Fighting Beneath a Silver Moon (And the insanity that goes with it) By Ardweden Chapter 1 or Electromagneticohydrodynamical WHAT?! Serena sighed. "Is there something wrong, Meatball Head?" asked the man sitting next to her. He had black hair and sparkling blue eyes. His smile was warm as the girl sighed again. "Oh, no. Just the opposite. Everything has been so peaceful since Rini went home... and now I finally have you, Darien." She snuggled closer to him. Darien smiled and fondly touched the buns on her head, what he called "meatballs." "Maybe evil took a break." They were about to kiss when Serena's communicator beeped. "Oh, now what? Can't the bad guys ever rest?" Serena asked no one in particular. She pulled out her communicator and pressed a button. Lita showed up on the screen. "Serena, Amy called an emergency Scout meeting at Raye's place. She said it was urgent." Serena moaned as she put the communicator away. "So much for peace and quiet. Bye, Muffin." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she ran out the apartment door. Darien frowned. If Amy said it was important... nah. It's probably nothing. Besides, he could always sense if Serena was in danger. Unfortunately, he couldn't sense the portal opening behind him, or the hand that pulled him in. "I... got here... as fast as I could, guys," Serena gasped as she ran up the temple steps. Raye, who was sweeping the grounds, looked up to see hurricane Serena running at full force towards her. Unable to get out of the way in time, she braced herself as Serena knocked her into the ground. "Meatball Head, why don't you watch where you're going?" Raye snapped as she tried to get up. "Why are you always so mean to me?" Serena whined, wiping tears off her face. "Maybe ow!" Raye pushed Serena's foot off of her black hair. "Maybe if you weren't such an airhead I wouldn't be," Raye finished. "Who you callin' an airhead?" Raye and Serena looked up to see a grinning Mina standing over them. Artemis was draped conveniently over her shoulder. "Yeah," Serena said as she stood up as well. Raye saw that she was outnumbered. "All of you blonde ditzes," she growled, trying to save face. Mina and Serena giggled. "Blonde ditzes of the world, unite!" Mina laughed. "Let's toast this non-believer!" Serena giggled, pointing at Raye. "Ahem," the three girls and cat turned to see a black cat with a crescent moon on her forehead standing in the temple doorway. "Are you going to the meeting or not?" she asked. Mina, Raye, and Serena sweatdropped. "Yes, O Great One," Artemis said as he followed Luna through the doorway. Serena and Mina giggled while Raye rolled her eyes. The white cat winked at them over his shoulder. Inside, Amy and Lita, the Scouts who were already there, sat on the floor in the room with the Great Fire. Amy was typing furiously on her mini computer, apparently puzzled by something. Lita was unpacking her famous chocolate chip muffins. "Oooooh, food! Can I have some, Lita, please oh please oh please?" Serena asked eagerly. "Sure," Lita replied. She knew what was going to happen, but it really pleased her that Serena liked her cooking so much. "Oh, thank you!" and Serena attacked the muffins. "Won't you get sick if you eat that much?" Mina asked curiously. "But they're soooo yummy!" "You'll get fat and bloated if you keep this up," Raye said. "I am NOT fat!" Serena cried, sending crumbs everywhere. "Ew, gross!" the raven-haired girl complained, brushing off crumbs. Amy finally looked up from her computer. "Good, you're all here," she said while Serena swallowed the last muffin. "I have something very important to tell you." "What could be so important that you had to interrupt my date with Darien?" Serena asked, interested. "I'm not sure, but I think," Amy steeled herself, "that the Negaverse is back." Everyone stared at her in shock. "Are you sure?" Mina asked. At the same time Serena screamed, "No! They're supposed to be moondust!" Amy ignored her meatball-hared friend. "I'm fairly certain. There have been reports of recent youma sightings in Europe and North America." "That can't be true! Didn't Serena kill them with her crystal?" Lita asked, incredulous. "It is possible that you girls only defeated Queen Beryl, not the entire kingdom," Luna said thoughtfully. "Yes, and here is the worst part," Amy continued, "According to my calculations the amount of energy required to open portals in more than one landmass is enormous, something the Negaverse did not have when we fought them." "So that explains why they only attacked Japan," Raye said, violet eyes thoughtful. Amy nodded. "In order to get that much energy, they must have another source. The Negaverse was gone far too long to get it from Earth." "Couldn't your calculations be wrong?" Serena asked innocently. Amy stared at her, shocked at the idea. Then she fainted while everyone in the room sweatdropped. "She'll be okay," Artemis said, checking the blue-hared girl's pulse. "Okay, scratching the idea that Amy's wrong," Mina said, "The Negaverse is back or there are new bad guys that we have to take care of, and either way they have tons of energy coming from a mystery source. This doesn't look good, guys." "Yeah, but it's a great way to kick some butt," a smiling Lita said, cracking her knuckles. The rest of the group (minus Amy) looked at her, annoyed. "So I've been bored the past week. All of this peacefulness is getting to me." Everyone else just sighed. "Didn't Darien join the Negaverse?" Artemis asked. "Hey! He didn't want to join. He was brainwashed!" Serena corrected quick to defend her boyfriend. "Whatever. Anyway, why don't you ask him if he heard of a possible energy source?" Luna looked surprised. "Wow, Artemis, you finally got a good idea," she said to the other cat. He stuck his tongue out at her. "Why don't you go ask him right now, girls?" "Yeah!" Serena brightened considerably at the thought. Any excuse was a good excuse. "Let's go visit him!" She pulled Amy, who just regained consciousness, to her feet and ran out the door. The other Scouts sighed. "Hey, Meatball Head, wait for us!" Raye yelled after her. A breathless Serena banged on the door of Darien's apartment. "Darien, I know you're in there! Open up! It's important!" she screamed at it. "Serena, quiet down! You'll give us all a headache!" Raye yelled even louder than her friend did. Serena just turned towards Raye and blew a raspberry. Raye blew one back. Everyone else sighed. "This is very strange," Amy commented. "Darien should be home right now." "Well," Raye said, putting her tongue back in her mouth, "I am getting some really bad Nega-vibes." Everyone, including Serena, blinked in surprise. "And you never told us?" Mina asked. "I just told you, didn't I?! Now let's transform!" The Scouts looked along the deserted street, making sure nobody was around. (Isn't it strange that whenever they need to transform, no one is there?) Serena pulled out her locket. "Moon Crystal Power!" It opened, revealing the Imperium Silver Crystal. Ribbons of light flashed around her body, forming her fuku, boots, and gloves. Next came her choker, earrings, tiara, and the jewels in her "meatballs". When she was finished, she did her stance. "I am Sailor Moon!" Raye, Amy, Lita, and Mina each raised their transformation sticks to the sky. "Mars Star Power!" "Mercury Star Power!" "Jupiter Star Power!" "Venus Star Power!" Raye was surrounded by flames, Amy by water and ice, Lita by lightning, and Mina by beams of light and yellow energy. When they were finished they emerged as Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. Sailor Jupiter faced the door. "Jupiter Thunder," she yelled, crossing her arms. An antenna grew from her tiara and gathered lightning. She curled herself into a ball. "Crash!" she finished, uncurling and throwing out her arms. A bolt of lightning flew into the door, completely knocking it off its hinges. A satisfied Jupiter walked into the apartment, the other Scouts trailing behind. Sailor Mercury, being the last person to walk in, tried the knob on the now useless door. "Um, Jupiter, it was unlocked." Sailor Jupiter looked embarrassed while everyone else sweatdropped. "Come on, let's find out what's wrong," Sailor Moon said eagerly. The other Scouts nodded and followed her into the living room. The Sailor Senshi gasped as a chill ran through the air. "AAAHH!" Mars screamed, clutching her head and falling to her knees. A concerned Sailor Moon knelt by her friend's side. "Sailor Mars, are you all right?" "I'll be fine, Meatball Head, but there was something evil here, and it feels a lot like Beryl," Sailor Mars replied, straightening. Sailor Moon smiled, then looked annoyed. "Don't call me 'Meatball Head'!" she whined. "Okay, I'll just call you 'Meatball Brain' instead. After all, it's what you--" "What is THAT?" Sailor Venus interrupted, pointing at a multicolored portal floating in the middle of the room. The arguing pair broke off and gaped at it. Sailor Mercury immediately twisted her right earring, activating her visor. Then she pulled out her computer and started typing at light speed. As she scanned it she said, "It appears to be an Electromagneticohydrodynamical Vortex." After receiving blank looks from the rest of the Scouts, Mercury sighed and explained, "It's a portal to another world." "Can you figure out where it goes?" Sailor Moon asked, eager to find Darien. Sailor Mercury typed something in her computer and shook her head. She twisted her earring, deactivating her visor. "No, there's some kind of interference. I have no idea where it goes. All I know is that Darien went through." "It could be to the Negaverse," Venus cautioned. The other Scouts shuddered. They didn't want to go there again. "Or any of a gazillion other places," Jupiter said. "There's only one way to find out." They all looked at Sailor Moon. "Let's do it. Darien's in there!" she decided. They jumped through the portal... Chapter 2 or A Whole New World And landed on a forest floor. Sailor Moon got up and brushed herself off. She gasped. They were definitely in another world, and it was beautiful. The trees' leaves were bright yellow. The leaves of grass were green on one side and blue on the other, and depending on the direction the wind blew appeared to be one color or the other. Sailor Moon stopped her inspection of the ground and let her eyes travel farther upward. The sky was blue with a purplish tint. The full moon was almost directly above her, casting a silver glow in spite of the fact that the sun was also in the sky. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," she said to the other Scouts. "Where are we? This doesn't look anything like the Negaverse," Sailor Venus commented, getting up. Mercury, who was scanning and typing away, looked up long enough to say, "It probably isn't, but appearances can be deceiving. We should be on our guard at all times." "Oh, no!" Jupiter interrupted, "the portal's closing!" The others turned to see it disappear. "No turning back now," Sailor Mars said wryly. "So, which way do we go?" Sailor Jupiter asked. "Where no one has gone before!" Moon declared. The other Scouts sweatdropped. "Sorry guys, I just couldn't help myself," she giggled. "Get serious, Sailor Moonbrain. We're stuck on some alien world, Darien's gone, and all you can do is quote some stupid American science fiction show!" Mars snapped. "You're such a pickle puss, Mars," Sailor Moon whined, on the verge of tears. She stuck her tongue out at the red Scout. "Well, you're a crybaby and a whiner, and I don't know why I have anything to do with you!" Mars shot back. She returned the favor by sticking her tongue out at her leader. "Why don't you argue later? Right now we have to find Darien," Sailor Venus interrupted. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars looked sheepish. "Right," Sailor Moon agreed. "Which way do you think we should go, Mercury?" "Well, there appears to be something about this world that naturally resists the technology of my computer," Sailor Mercury stated while typing something into it. It beeped, and she gave it a slightly annoyed look. "However," she continued, still looking at the computer screen, "before this world's defenses kicked in, I was able to get enough of a fix on Darien's energy signature to know that the enemy, whoever it is, took him deeper into the Yellow Leaf Forest." The Sailor Scouts took a moment to digest this. "Wait a minute," Sailor Jupiter said, "How do you know that we're in the Yellow Leaf Forest?" Mercury smiled. "Well, besides the fact that the trees have yellow leaves, that," she replied, pointing at a wooden sign sticking out of the ground. On it was symbols that could pass for characters of an alphabet. Sailor Jupiter stared at it as the front of the sign shimmered for a moment. When it was finished, the sign read in legible Japanese, 'Welcome to the Yellow Leaf Forest.' The other Scouts, who were also looking at it, blinked in surprise. Jupiter just said, "Oh." "I also think we should go deeper into the forest," Sailor Mars said. "There's something very powerful in there..." "Is it good or evil?" Sailor Moon asked nervously. "I don't know. Something, or someone, is interfering with my ability to tell the difference. All I know is that it's powerful." "It might be Darien," Sailor Moon said hopefully. "And it might not," Venus warned her. "We have to take that chance," Sailor Moon decided. "Let's go." And they walked deeper into the woods. After searching for hours, the Sailor Senshi came upon a clearing. In the center of a circle of normal trees (normal for this world, anyway :)) there was a tree that appeared to have late-bus- passes growing on its branches instead of leaves. Chained to it was a man with black hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing a black and white robe. A key hung from around his neck. "Darien!" Sailor Moon screamed. "What have they done to you?" I sense... five powerful presences, Sailor Mars thought. Out loud she yelled, "Sailor Moon! It's a trap!" She was too late. A fireball hurled Sailor Moon into a nearby tree while the man's chains unlocked themselves. Four people, who looked about nineteen or twenty years old, walked into the clearing from the direction the fireball came from. Each wore a robe and had a key around their neck. They surrounded Darien, who was no longer chained to the tree. Sailor Venus ran over to Sailor Moon. "She'll be okay," she told Jupiter. "Her fuku took the worst of the blast. She only has a few cuts and bruises." "Good. Those Nega-creeps are gonna get it. First they kidnap Darien and now they hurt Sailor Moon!" Jupiter stated. "Yeah, let's save him!" Mars agreed. "Right." Mars, Venus, and Jupiter were prepared to attack the group and save Darien when Sailor Mercury stopped them. "Wait," she said as she scanned Darien. "His metabolism's twice as slow as when I scanned him on Earth. His heartbeat's also a little slower... That isn't Darien! Everything's almost identical, but the energy signature is radically different!" "What could be the reason for something like that?" Sailor Mars asked. "I think he's a clone of Darien." The other three Senshi nodded. Now they were certain the Negaverse was behind this. "Wha...? Darien! Nobody impersonates my boyfriend and gets away with it!" Sailor Moon declared, snapping back into consciousness. She got on her feet. "I am Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice! I will right wrongs and triumph over evil! In the name of the moon I will punish you!" "I won't allow you to use Sailor Moon's love for Darien for your own twisted purposes! I am Sailor Venus, and on behalf of Venus, I will punish you!" "My fire will cleanse this world of your evil. I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I will punish you!" "You kidnapped Darien for the last time. I am Sailor Mercury, and in the name of the planet Mercury I will punish you!" "Your evil must be stopped, and we're going to do it! I am Sailor Jupiter! On behalf of Jupiter I will punish you!" The people on the other side of the clearing fanned out and stood in battle-ready positions. The Darien look-alike spoke in a foreign tongue. The Senshi just stood there with blank looks on their faces until the Colors of the Wind blew by and translated it into perfect Japanese. "Neat speech. Can we try?" Sailor Moon blinked, then nodded. "Go ahead." After all, they put up with the Scout's speeches. The Darien impostor stepped forward. "I am William, Lord of the Ants, leader of The Magic Few." A girl with long, dark brown hair with a reddish tint stepped forward. She had dark brown eyes and was wearing a light blue and white robe. "I am Ardweden, Empress of Bulvaria." Another girl, this one with dark brown hair done in a braid, stepped forward. She, too, had dark brown eyes. She wore a green and white robe. "I am Cherden, owner of a billion-gold peso toothpaste company." A third girl who wore a red and white robe took a step forward. She had light brown hair and brown eyes. "I am Nephadia, Queen of the Pyramids of Viti-alamin." She paused, and her eyes changed from brown to red. She laughed insanely. "I am Pepperalki, twin sister of Nephadia, and also queen of Viti-alamin." A boy wearing a pure white robe took a shaky step forward. He had light brown hair, and his eyes were constantly changing color. "I'm Dannysmartful, member of the Council of Teshi and um... I hang out with these guys." "We are The Magic Few," Will finished, "and in the name of Ineckey we shall... run away!" And the TMF (The Magic Few) bolted into the woods. "Come on, we have to follow them!" Sailor Moon shouted. The Scouts started to run into the woods when they noticed that Jupiter was missing. They ran back into the clearing. Sailor Jupiter was standing there, starry-eyed. "What are you waiting for?!" Sailor Mars yelled. Jupiter ignored her and said, "Guys, I know he's the enemy, but Dannysmartful looks just like my old boyfriend. He's so dreamy." She sighed. The entire team sweatdropped as Sailor Venus took Jupiter's arm. "Girl, you have had one crush too many. Come on." Sailor Jupiter nodded and the Sailor Scouts once again ran after the TMF. "Will, Nephadia has a question," Pepperalki said as the TMF ran through the Yellow Leaf Forest. "What is it?" "Why are we running from a bunch of teenaged girls in miniskirts?" "Dannysmartful picked something from one of their minds. They're very powerful, and very angry. They want to kill us!" "So?" Cherden interjected. "We faced the Shadows; we can take them." "Yeah, nobody can defeat Pepperalki!" Pepper cried. She paused. "I am not being egotistic," she said to herself. The others ignored her; they knew that she was talking to her twin, Nephadia. "We probably could take them, but Dannysmartful said that they are much stronger if they're together. We have to split them up." "Speaking of Dannysmartful, where is he?" Ardweden asked Will. William just pointed to the sky. Dannysmartful was flying overhead. "Show-off," Ardweden muttered. The T.M.F. continued running and flying until they reached another clearing. Will smiled. "Let's do it here." The Sailor Scouts, with the limited help of Mercury's computer and Mars' abilities, finally reached the clearing three hours later. "There here," Sailor Mercury stated, looking at the computer screen. "Where? I don't see them," Sailor Jupiter commented, looking around. "I can't sense them, either," Mars said. "This is too weird, Mercury. Are you sure there isn't a bug in the program?" Venus asked, also looking around. Sailor Mercury nodded. "I'm sure. It's probably worth searching, anyway." Sailor Moon nodded. "Let's spread out and look for the Nega- scum." The team fanned out, carefully searching the clearing. Sailor Mercury stayed behind, tapping the keys on her computer. The blips on her screen were becoming more and more well defined, and one was on top of her... She dodged just in time as a figure, Ardweden was it?, jumped out of a tree and attempted to kick her in the head. Ardweden just grabbed her key and pointed it at the scout. An ice crystal went straight toward Mercury's head, and she barely ducked in time. Sailor Mercury gasped. Ardweden was too fast for her; she needed to slow her down. "Mercury Bubbles," she cried, calling her powers, "Blast!" The immediate area was covered by a dense, cold fog that would make it difficult for anyone to see clearly. Sailor Mars noticed the commotion at the other side of the clearing. "Don't worry, I'll help!" she yelled, running toward the fog. The girl with light brown hair intercepted her. "No, you won't." "Get out of my way or you'll be burned! Mars Fireballs Charge!" Sailor Mars stuck a scroll on Pepperalki's forehead. Pepper screamed as her eyes changed from red to brown. "How dare you hurt my sister like that?!" an enraged Nephadia screamed. She ripped the piece of paper from her forehead. "Eat this!" with that, she fired a jet of flame from her key at the raven-haired Senshi. A shocked Sailor Mars jumped out of the way. It don't get no weirder than this, she thought as she summoned her power. "Mars Fire Ignite!" Sailor Jupiter was carefully searching her area of the clearing. Peering into the trees, she spotted a figure. "Gotcha," she whispered. "Jupiter Thunder Crash!" A bolt of lightning came from the sky and hit the place where the person should have been. "Where did he go?" she wondered out loud. "Looking for me?" She whirled around to see William standing behind her, a sardonic smile on his face. "Yeah. You're gonna pay, Nega-clone!" Sailor Jupiter summoned her power. "Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" She threw a ball of lightning with pinpoint accuracy at Will. Responding in kind, his key glowed black as he called his own ball of black lightning. The two met in the middle, causing both Sailor Jupiter and Will to be thrown backward. Jupiter was immediately on her feet and began to pound William into a pulp. Sailor Moon was looking warily around when she heard Sailor Mars screaming at someone. She started to run towards the sound when the ground under her glowed green and vines sprang up, effectively caging her in. "Alright, which one of you Nega-jerks is it?" Moon called out with more bravado than she felt. "That would be me, I suppose." Cherden stepped out from her hiding place from behind the trees. "Oooh, are you gonna get it. Moon Tiara Magic!" Sailor Moon threw her tiara, which had become a glowing discus, directly at Cherden. It cut though the vines and headed straight for her. Cherden screamed and jumped out of the way. "Tiara, trap her!" Sailor Moon commanded. It winged around and pinned Cherden's arms to her in a circle of light. The Senshi pulled out her scepter. "Moon Scepter..." she began. "You can't get away from me!" Sailor Venus exclaimed as she ran after a terrified Dannysmartful. "AAAAAAHHH!" he screamed. His key glowed white and he levitated himself into the air. "Oh no," Venus said. "Venus Love Chain," she yelled, forming a chain of hearts in her hand, "Encircle!" The chain went out like a whip and snagged Dannysmartful by the ankle. Sailor Venus pulled him down to earth. Dannysmartful pulled out a sword made out of late bus passes and cut the chain off. Venus swore. "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" she shouted, firing a beam of light at him. Dannysmartful dodged and slashed with his sword. Sailor Venus, caught off guard, got hit in the arm. If he could do that, why was he running away from me? she wondered, clutching her bleeding arm as she readied another Crescent Beam. Ardweden looked around in the fog. It was difficult to see a foot in front of her face, much less find the blue Scout. She searched the area, warily walking around and peering into the mist surrounding her. "Mercury Ice Storm Blast!" came a voice out of the fog. "AAAHH!" Ardweden screamed as she fell to the ground. A bolt of ice flew right above her; missing by a mere three inches. "Okay, that's it!" Ardweden took off her key and pointed it in the direction of the voice. An ice crystal formed in midair and flew towards the voice. Mercury saw the crystal coming, dodged it, and sent another Ice Storm at Ardweden. They continued this for quite a while. How do I defeat her? This fog keeps me from seeing anything around me... of course! The fog! Ardweden summoned her power and the key began to glow very brightly. "Take this," she yelled through the mist. "Freeze!" Ardweden pointed in the general direction of Sailor Mercury, and the mist around her froze, creating a wall of ice around her. "What? Mercury Ice Storm blast!" Mercury shouted. The ice and water she sent at the wall added to it. "Okay," Ardweden said, peering at the Scout through the wall. "Why do you want to kill us, exactly? And can you please get rid of this annoying fog?" Sailor Jupiter stood, having completed the task of beating William to a pulp. Will, who was at her feet, coughed blood as he got up, clutching his side. "Now I'll warn you one last time," he gasped painfully, "stay away from me." "Yeah, like I'd do something like that," was the reply. "It's just a trick to make me stop." "I guess you could say that." "Then take this, Nega-slime!" Sailor Jupiter leapt at William, knocking him onto the ground (again). Will's key started to glow black and it crackled with energy. "You think you can use electricity to stop me?! Get a clue!" was Jupiter's comment when she noticed what was happening. "Well..." Will said as he grabbed the Scout's foot. Black lightning was channeled from his key, through his body, and into Jupiter's. Jupiter looked rather surprised by this and then started to scream. She continued this until she finally fell, unconscious. She could take much, much more electricity than a normal person, or even a Scout, but even she could stand only so much. William released his hold. "Yeah," he finished as he collapsed on top of her. Sailor Venus was not having much luck against Dannysmartful. She gave up trying to fire Crescent Beams with an injured arm and resorted to using her Love Chain like a whip. Dannysmartful continued to use his late-bus-pass-sword, only now it glowed white, like his key. Venus jumped out of the way as Dannysmartful lunged for her. She snapped her chain at him, hitting the place he should have been. She knew she couldn't go on like this, not while she had an injured arm. As long as Dannysmartful's sword glowed with white light, he seemed unbeatable. A white light... like his key... The key! That was where his power came from! And Sailor Venus knew what she had to do. She dodged Dannysmartful's slash again and used her chain to trip him. While he was lying on the forest floor, she grabbed his key. "Don't touch it!" Venus ignored his warning and continued to pull at the key. Finally, it broke of its chain. She felt enormous power; the power of light and mind. She stared at the key for a few seconds, and then her brain snapped. "Hello? Anybody in there?" Dannysmartful asked Sailor Venus as he waved his hand in front of her eyes. She just sat there, humming a nameless tune as she stared vacantly into space, key clutched tightly in both hands. Dannysmartful gave up and tried to pry the girl's hands open. Jeez, she's strong, he thought to himself after his unsuccessful attempt. Once again, he waved his hand in front of her eyes. "Why do people keep doing that?" he asked no one in particular as he tried to open Venus' hands. Cherden's key glowed green, each pulse getting brighter and brighter. "Moon..." The TMF member looked terrified, her key reflecting her emotions perfectly. "Scepter..." The key, somehow sensing what was going to happen, flashed a brilliant green light filling the entire clearing. Sailor Moon's concentration was broken, and her energy was dissipated. "Now I have to try again." She pointed her scepter at still trapped Cherden. "Moon..." Cherden's key started to glow. "Scepter..." Sailor Moon continued, now ready for another flash. She was surprised when there was none. She was about to say, 'elimination' when she heard a soft buzzing sound. The fighter of love and justice turned around to see... Bees! Hundreds and hundreds of bees! All going straight for her. "Nyaaaaaah!" she screamed, running for her life. "Somebody get them away from me!" Cherden, still trapped by the tiara, watched Sailor Moon run. That was too close; she just hoped Elizabeth the Queen Bee and her troops could fly out of the way of any Moon Scepter blasts. Nephadia and Sailor Mars were in the middle of a literal firefight. Both sides took heavy damage; each had numerous cuts, blisters, and burns. "You just don't give up, do you?" Nephadia asked the Sailor Scout. "We never give up!" Mars declared. "Mars Celestial Fire--" Fortunately, she broke off just in time to see a screaming Sailor Moon running between her and Nephadia. On her tail were numerous bees. "Surround!" Sailor Mars re-aimed her fire so it scared the bees off. "Ow! Did you have to cut it so close, Mars?" Sailor Moon whined. "Shut up and help me beat her!" "Oh yeah. Moon Scepter Elimination!" "Mars Fire Ignite!" A blast of moon energy with the power of fire traveled at blinding speed straight towards the terrified Nephadia. "STOP!" The fire and moon energy dissolved in a puff of smoke. The three girls looked to the center of the clearing to see two glowing figures slowly becoming a man and woman. The woman who shouted the command giggled. "I always wanted to do that." "You would, Ariel," the man commented with a sigh. He waved his hand, completely dissipating Mercury's fog, revealing Ardweden and Sailor Mercury. He then snapped his fingers, shattering the wall of ice surrounding Mercury, and changing the ring of light trapping Cherden back into a tiara. Sailor Moon, now completely recovered from the sudden arrival, looked around. Dannysmartful was losing a hopeless battle to recover his key from the mind-numbed Sailor Venus, William and Sailor Jupiter were both unconscious, and Sailor Mercury and Ardweden were just standing there, confused. Sailor Mars also noticed all these things. As Nephadia ran off to help Dannysmartful recover his key, the red Senshi looked defiantly at the figures. "Who are you and what do you want?" "Oh! I haven't introduced us," the man said calmly, "I am the God Leinis, and she," he gestured towards the woman, "Is my sister, the Goddess Ariel. We have no quarrel with you, Serena, or any of your friends." "Really?" Sailor Mars sneered, "Prove it." "Fine, we will," Ariel snapped, annoyed by Mars' attitude. "How would you like us to?" "Can you heal my friends?" Sailor Moon asked eagerly. She was terribly worried about them, especially Jupiter and Venus. "Sure." Ariel clapped her hands. A soft white light filled the clearing and slowly disappeared. When it was finished, all of the Scouts and TMF members were completely healed of injury. Mina dropped Dannysmartful's key with a remark of, "Wow, what a trip." Before the Scouts could transform and start fighting again (they detransformed during the healing process) Serena shouted, "Everyone, pay attention!" After everyone's ears stopped ringing, they looked at the center of the clearing. The Magic Few immediately ran up to Ariel and Leinis, greeting them. The Scouts looked confused and ran up to Serena and Raye, bombarding them with questions. Leinis had enough. "SHUT UP!" he yelled. The clearing was immediately silent. "Thank you. I am Leinis, and this is Ariel. We are both Gods. We know why you are here, Sailor Scouts, and we also know your names. Yes, the Negaverse, as you would call it, is back. No, we are not your enemies, and neither is The Magic Few. The fact that William looks like Darien is a fluke, and we gave Nature a good talking to." Here he paused to catch his breath. "It's getting late," Ariel interrupted. "Why don't we all go to bed and talk about it tomorrow?" "Good idea!" Serena stated. Raye rolled her eyes and was about to reply when she yawned. Apparently, healing makes people very, very tired. Her friends were in similar states. "Sounds good to me." Amy said. "Let's be on our guard, though." "Fair enough," a tired William said, "Where should we go?" "How about my place? It's the closest." Ardweden volunteered. The sun was setting on the horizon. "Good. See you tomorrow." Ariel said cheerfully. She and her brother vanished. Tranquil music filled the air as Raye ran into Darien's arms, "Oh, Darien, lets run away together where Serena will never find us." "Uh, Raye, I would love to run away with you but that isn't possible. You see... uh, I'm married." "Yes, let's leave her behind and go back to Tokyo." Raye whispered while wrapping her arms around Darien's neck, about to kiss him. "Raye, I didn't know you had a passion for trees." Serena said. Raye opened her eyes to see herself falling into a late-bus-pass- tree as William ran and hid behind Dannysmartful, who was scared out of his mind, and had been trying to climb a tree. Apparently, the tree was too weak and was bending under the weight of both teenage boys. Raye stood up, embarrassed. As she brushed herself off she tried to contain the color that was building up on her face while she heard the others laughing behind her. She slowly turned around to see Mina, Ardweden, Nephadia, Cherden, and Lita falling into gales of helpless laughter. Serena was standing behind her with a huge smile on her face. Amy stood on the other side of the clearing, cursing her computer and not paying any attention. Raye put on her patented 'look' and did her best to look angry. "What are you laughing at?" she sneered. Mina and Lita noticed the look and stopped laughing, although a titter escaped Mina every now and then. Serena still had the smile on her face as she turned to see William and Dannysmartful trying to get down the tree. This was too much, and she fell over laughing. Ardweden and Cherden immediately stopped, as Nephadia ran over to help William and Dannysmartful down the tree. Since the Colors of the Wind didn't bother blowing by, Raye had to repeat her question. "Well?" Cherden smiled. "Why, you of course." And she and Ardweden cracked up again. Nephadia walked up to the two giggling girls and knocked them on the head. "Stop it! Can't you see that they're very tired and would like some rest?" "Oh, right," Ardweden said between giggles. She smiled at Raye. "Would you like to come to my place, or do you still not trust us?" Raye frowned, unsure what to make of this sudden change of heart. One minute they seemed ready to kill her and her friends, and now they're laughing with them and seemed to let all of their defenses down. "We have to talk," she said, dragging Lita, Mina, and Serena to where Amy stood, fiddling with her computer. "Ow! Raye, why do you have to drag so hard?" Serena cried. "Maybe you were laughing too much," William offered, with a Darien-esque smile. Serena was about to stick her tongue out at him when she caught herself. He's the enemy... or was. But he wasn't now, if they were to believe what that Leinis person said. Still, he nearly killed Lita, and that couldn't be good... oh, she's so confused! "Do you mind?" Lita growled, "This is supposed to be a private conversation." William just shrugged and walked to where the rest of The Magic Few were trying to get Dannysmartful down the tree. It snapped back up when Will got off, and now Dannysmartful was clutching to the top branch fifty feet up. "So, what are we supposed to talk about?" Serena asked. "Duh! On whether or not to trust them!" was Raye's reply. "I don't see why not. After all, Ariel healed us, and they don't seem to want to kill us anymore." Mina said. "Yes, but this could be a Negaverse plot," Serena added. "Sleeping in a bed would be better than sleeping in the forest," Lita said. "They seem to trust us. Ariel and Leinis felt more powerful than anyone I've ever sensed. Ever. I think that they could have killed us instantly if they wanted to," Raye put in. "Looks can be deceiving," Amy objected. "However, we don't know much about this world. There's no other viable option, so we should go. But while we sleep, there should be someone on watch." "Right, that's the best idea. Let's do it," Serena decided. She's getting used to this leader stuff. "Let's go tell them." The Scouts walked up to the tree Dannysmartful was clutching to. "Still no luck?" Lita asked Cherden. The older girl shook her head. "He's just too scared." "Why doesn't he levitate down?" Mina asked curiously, thinking back to the battle. Cherden slapped her forehead. "That's right! LEVITATE DOWN!" she screamed up at him. Unfortunately, this caused Dannysmartful to let go of the branch to cover his ears. Too late, he discovered that he was falling, and fast. He instinctively used his powers to break his fall, but he didn't have enough time (or concentration) to stop himself completely. With a thunk, he landed on top of Mina. "Ouch. Are you okay?" he asked the girl he was sitting on. "I'd feel a lot better if you got off me," she gasped. "Oh. Sorry." Dannysmartful stood up and helped Mina off the ground. Nephadia cleared her throat. "So, have you reached your decision yet?" "Yes, it's--" Serena began. "You still don't completely trust us, but you'll come with. And your names are Amy, Serena, Lita, Mina, and Raye." Dannysmartful finished. "How did you--?" Raye stuttered. "I can read minds." The Sailor Scouts blinked. "You're not serious," Mina said. William shrugged. "Sure he is." "Then you--" Raye blushed. "Oh, stop looking at me like that," Dannysmartful ordered. "I only pick up surface thoughts." "But if you wanted to, you could find out anything you want, right?" Lita asked. "Yeah, but I'd probably pass out." The Scouts sighed in relief. "Should I call for a carriage or do you want to take us there?" Ardweden asked Dannysmartful. "How would you call for one? Would you use a phone?" Serena asked. "What's a phone?" "Never mind." "I'll take us there," Dannysmartful said. With that, he teleported them to Ardweden's home. (Author's note: If you think Raye is slightly out of character in this chapter, or maybe completely out of whack, I agree with you. I was feeling extremely silly when that part about the tree was written, and it was too funny to leave out. ^_~) Chapter 3 or Questions and Answers It turned out that Ardweden's place was a castle. It was a large one which was seated on the outskirts of a city the TMF called Chicagle. It stood there, proud and welcoming at the same time. The Sailor Scouts stared at it, mouths wide open. "Are you okay?" Ardweden asked worriedly, "I know Nephadia and Pepper's palace is bigger, and so's Cherden's mansion. We could go there, if you want." "N-no. This will be fine, thank you," Lita replied. Sure, the Scouts were all princesses, but they didn't really remember living in the Moon Palace, aside from a few dreams. It was kind of nerve- racking. The others just nodded. Ardweden beamed. "Then come in and meet Sandre. He's my chief advisor. I'm sure you'll like him." She walked through the front gate with the rest of the group trailing behind her. "You want to ?" Sandre asked again. They were seated in his office, a cozy room with soft carpeting and a polished wooden desk. "I want you to arrange things so the Sailor Scouts can stay here for the night," Ardweden said firmly. "No, that's not right. What do you know about these people? Nothing. They're from another world, for heaven's sakes!" Sandre objected. He was a pudgy, balding man with large eyes, so he always seemed to be staring at you. "For all we know, they could be taking over the world!" Cherden sighed. "Of course they could, but they're not. Ariel and Leinis said so themselves. Besides, you can't expect us to just leave them in the Yellow Leaf Forest." "Um..." Serena said nervously, "We really don't want to be any trouble..." "Of course you're not being any trouble," Sandre said kindly. "You'll probably end up staying." "Huh?" Raye stared at the chief advisor. "But you were just arguing with Ardweden..." "Oh, that? I'm supposed to. It's my job as chief advisor, after all. If her decisions don't match up to my arguments, then it's probably not a good idea to go through with them." Nephadia nodded. "My advisor does that, too. He isn't half as good as Sandre, though." Sandre smiled. "That's just because there's two of you to out argue him, Nephadia. Now, back to business... Why not put them in Cherden's mansion?" "Because some of them might be allergic to cats," Ardweden said. The Scouts giggled at this, but she didn't notice. "Besides, there's plenty of room here. And it gets kind of lonely." "Okay, you win." Ardweden giggled. "I knew I would. Come on, guys, I'll show you your rooms," she said as she walked out the door. At the Sailor Scouts' requests, they all stayed in the same room. Still, it was extremely spacious. Ardweden gave them some of the spare pajamas found in a few of the closets, and they coincidentally matched each of the scout's uniform color and size. When they were certain the Scouts were comfortable, the TMF left, Cherden saying that she really should talk to Ariel about messing with time. "Finally, a chance to sleep," Raye yawned. Serena was already in her bed and snoring away, and Lita, exhausted from the fight, didn't seem to be winning her fight against sleep either. "Go to sleep," Amy said calmly. "I'll guard the door, since I was the least affected by the fight. Besides, I really need to modify my computer to this world's defenses." Raye mumbled thanks and fell fast asleep. Mina awoke with a start. Where am I? she wondered, peering into the darkness around her. Clutching the unfamiliar bedsheets, she let her eyes wander around the room, as the memory of yesterday came to her. Once again looking around the room, she heard the soft beeping of a computer nearby. "Amy?" she whispered. "You're awake. You've been asleep for nine hours." Amy's voice replied. "Nine hours?" "Yes. Apparently, the nights here are thirteen hours long." "Oh. You really should get some sleep, Amy." "That's not necessary. I can stay awake longer as Sailor Mercury." "You transformed?!" "Yes. How else can I watch over you in complete darkness?" Mina couldn't answer that. There were a few moments of silence when Mina spoke up again. "Do you think they're trustworthy? The TMF, I mean." "I don't see why not. From what I've discovered of their powers, they're much more powerful then us. They didn't seem to be out to kill us, just contain us." Mina nodded, remembering the feeling she got when she touched Dannysmartful's key. Such power... she felt like she could do anything. "Do you think one of us should have a look around anyway?" "Mina, what are you trying to do?" "Well, I think it would be a good idea if one of us--" "You're curious about this castle." "Um... I..." "Don't worry about it. I would have done the same if I didn't feel the need to watch all of you. Go ahead, if you think you won't get caught." Mina grinned and whispered her thanks as she silently slipped out the door. Sailor Mercury smiled, shook her head, and turned back to her computer. Mina could barely contain herself as she crept down the hallway. It's been so long since she could do something like this! When she was Sailor V, she did many things that wouldn't be approved of, like drive and go into bars. All for a good cause, of course. But her favorite, and most secret, illegal thing to do was infiltrate a building in the middle of the night. She never did it in her pajamas before, but the feeling of blending with the shadows, and the excitement of knowing that you could be caught at any time, was the same. Mina stealthily walked through the castle. Finished with her tour, she began to head back to her room. "What are you doing here?" a voice asked curiously. Mina whirled around, seeing Ardweden, also in her pajamas, standing behind her. "I... um... I was looking for the kitchen. I'm starving," Mina said quickly. "Right," Ardweden replied. "I forgot that you people need to eat twice as often as we do. But that still doesn't explain why you were sneaking around like that." "Sneaking? Me?" Mina's voice began to squeak. Ardweden laughed. "I think that's what you were doing. I've been following you for the past hour." Mina didn't know what to say. She let her mouth hang open and her eyes bulge. She was never, ever caught before! "Don't look so alarmed," Ardweden continued. "I've been trained at the University of Thievery in Usoa. They train the best thieves there are. Besides, sneaking's fun." Mina nodded. "It is, isn't it? I thought I was crazy to enjoy it so much." "The crazy people are the ones who don't enjoy it." The girls continued their conversation as they walked back to the Sailor Scouts' room. Mina found herself enjoying the company of Ardweden, and she desperately hoped Amy was right about the TMF. The next morning, after breakfast, Leinis and Ariel appeared to the TMF and Sailor Scouts. "Is everyone ready for a question and answer session?" Ariel asked sweetly. The TMF and Scouts nodded. Leinis and Ariel had a lot of explaining to do. "Good. What is it you would like to know?" "Why did the Sailor Scouts attack us?" Nephadia asked curiously. She no longer wore a robe, but a red tunic and pants. All of the other members of the TMF wore the same outfit, the colors being their specific color. "We thought you were the enemy," Lita stated. "Obviously not! Where do you think you slept last night?" "We know that now! Besides, you attacked us first," Raye argued. "No, you were trying to kill us! Sailor Moon was going to strangle Will!" Cherden pointed out. "Hey! I was not!" Serena whined. Leinis clapped his hands, and a crack of thunder boomed throughout the room. The Scouts and TMF fell silent, though Nephadia and Raye sent each other dirty looks on occasion. "Thank you. Now, on with the discussion. We need your help, Sailor Scouts." Amy blinked. "What for? I've scanned the keys that the TMF have with my computer; they have much more power than we do." "And we need to find Darien," Serena added. "Yes, but did you wonder why the TMF didn't contain you Sailor Scouts outright, instead of fighting you? After all, they have more power, like you said, Amy," Ariel asked. "Hey! Why didn't we do that?" Dannysmartful whispered to Will. "I don't know. The power didn't seem to be there. Shh," William replied. "The power you measured is their potential," Ariel continued. "Normally, The Magic Few can use their keys and abilities to their full potential, but there has been a problem." "The magic is being drained out of Ineckey by what you would call the Negaverse," Leinis said bluntly. "They're using five crystals to do this, each one is guarded by a guardian, each equivalent in power to... hmm... one of those generals you fought while the Negaverse was trying to take over your world." Mina whistled. "That's where they got the energy from." Ariel nodded. "Magical energy is extremely powerful, but doesn't last as long as, say, the kind of life energy you have on Earth. We think the Negaverse is planning to drain our world dry, and move on to your world afterwards." "How long can you last like this?" Serena asked, eyes wide with concern. "At the present rate of energy drainage, I'd say about... two weeks. Then all of Ineckey's magic will be being used for keeping the world alive, and the TMF powers will be useless. Give it another month or so and the world will be destroyed." "This is terrible! We have to stop them!" Lita shouted, coming to her feet. The other Scouts nodded. "And save Darien," Serena added, eyes watering. Raye moved to comfort her. Leinis smiled a smile of relief. "Even though Fate and Destiny told me to bide our time in stopping this Negaverse, I did so very reluctantly. Now, I see I made the right choice." "Why didn't you tell us about this earlier?" an annoyed Cherden asked. "By the time this came to our attention, the chances of all of you destroying the crystals and getting out alive were 10%. Even then, I was going to tell you. Only Fate and Destiny stopped me." Ariel chuckled. "He lost at another game of dice to them." The TMF laughed while Leinis looked embarrassed. He cleared his throat. "We can teleport you near the crystal locations. You will be going in groups of two, each group's powers the opposite of the crystal you need to destroy: fire, water, wind, darkness, and death." "Thanks to Cernos, we can't give you any more help, except this," Ariel said, handing silver rings out to the Scouts. Amy's had a sapphire set in hers, Serena's had a diamond, Mina's had an amber, Lita's had an emerald, and Raye's had a ruby. "The silver in those rings is the same kind of silver that was used to make the chains which the TMF wear with their keys. It will allow you access to some of the magic Ineckey has, while strengthening your bonds with each of your particular planets," Ariel explained. "The result will be greater powers; a new attack and defensive move for each of you." Amy, who was scanning her ring with her computer while Ariel talked, looked up and said, "It seems safe." She stood up, put her ring on her right ring finger, and holding her transformation stick she shouted, "Mercury Silver Power!" The sapphire in her ring glowed a deep blue as she was surrounded by water and ice. When it was over, Sailor Mercury didn't look any different, except her golden tiara was replaced by a silver one, and a silver ring sparkled on her right hand. "That was incredible!" she exclaimed as she felt a new power flow through her. Leinis nodded. "Your powers are now on par with one of The Magic Few's. Your strengths and weaknesses will still be there. For instance: your attack won't be a strong as Jupiter's, but your defensive move will be much better." The other Scouts, realizing it was safe, stood and transformed. "Mars Silver Power!" "Jupiter Silver Power!" "Venus Silver Power!" "Moon Silver Power!" The Scouts' uniforms underwent the same changes Mercury's did, and each grinned as they felt the power at their disposal. "The TMF are usually more powerful than this?" Sailor Mars asked, disbelief in her voice. Cherden shrugged. "I guess so. We didn't notice we had less power until we were told, though." "What was before doesn't matter now," Leinis told them. "Are you ready to fight the Negaverse? The longer we wait, the weaker the TMF will be." The group nodded. Leinis waved his hand and they all disappeared. "Good luck. You're going to need it." Chapter 4 or Eye of the Storm Sailor Jupiter and William stood at the base of a mountain. "Where are we?" Jupiter asked, eyes examining the rocky landscape. "Oatmeal Mountain," came the short reply. Yeah, like that's supposed to mean anything, Jupiter thought. She stole a quick glance at Will. His black hair ruffled in the breeze as his eyes widened in surprise. "Look at that!" Will pointed at the mountain peak. Winds whirled around it, causing a miniature tornado. "Want to bet that's where the crystal is?" Sailor Jupiter scowled. She hated heights. "Well, we'd better get started." She began to climb up the mountain's steep path with Will close behind. After climbing for what seemed like an eternity, Sailor Jupiter stopped and turned around. William, who was struggling more and more to keep up, collapsed. "Are you okay?" Jupiter asked him. "Yeah," Will panted, "but a rest stop wouldn't be such a bad idea." Sailor Jupiter nodded and sat next to him. Winds were beating on them the entire time, making staying on the path, much less climbing, very difficult. She wiped some of the sweat off her brow. "So, tell me about The Magic Few," she said, trying to start a conversation. William shrugged. "Not much to tell. Dannysmartful was the first, followed closely behind by Cherden and Ardweden. They worked as a team long before the rest of us. Nephadia and Pepperalki were the last two to join. I'm the leader." He paused as a crooked smile spread over his face. "You know, it's funny. I left home in hopes of getting the TMF to help me, I never expected to join. Then they slap me with the title of leader." He shook his head in disbelief. "How about you?" Jupiter was about to reply when a heartbreaking wail pierced the air. "What was that?" she asked instead. Will was on his feet, looking much less tired than a while ago. "Banshees. Come on!" He dragged her to her feet and began to run. Sailor Jupiter followed, looking over her shoulder. A near- transparent woman was hot on her tail, flying gracefully without wings, her arms spread apart. She had long, flowing hair and was only about three feet tall. The banshee opened her mouth to wail again, revealing a set of sharp, pointed fangs. The wind blew harder at Will and Jupiter, and the banshee was gaining on them. The faster they ran, the harder the wind blew, making it nearly impossible for them to gain any ground. William stopped abruptly. "Now what?" asked Jupiter, looking over his shoulder. The banshee must have called in a few of her friends, because they were blocking the path ahead of them. "Now, we fight," was the reply, and the Sailor Scout turned to face the banshees behind them. There was a swarm of them, and one shrieked a battle cry. William immediately used his black lightning to electrify the ones in front of them, and Jupiter was about to do the same when she noticed a group diving straight at her. Time for a change in plans. "Jupiter," she cried, folding her arms around her. The air crackled with electricity as the banshees swooped nearer. "Static Shock!" The immediate area around Jupiter glowed bright green, as the banshees who dared to come near her shrieked in pain from the electricity. William, who cleared the area in front of him, grabbed Jupiter's wrist and began to run again. They made progress this way, with Will blasting the banshees in front while Jupiter protected them with her Static Shock. The wind continued to blow, and they barely managed to reach the top. The peak was a plateau, and as William and Sailor Jupiter gasped for breath they barely noticed that the wind stopped. "You okay?" Will asked Jupiter. "I'll be better after we take care of them," was the short reply. 'Them' was a swarm of banshees who surrounded the Scout and TMF member and were slowly closing in, licking their lips. "Oh, yuck. I'll get this side, you get that one." Without another word, Will charged his key and released the energy. A massive black lightning bolt shot down from the sky and started to sweep the banshees away. Sailor Jupiter felt her hands glow pure white and cackle with electricity. Instinctively, she raised her arms to the sky. "Jupiter," she called as heavy black clouds rolled overhead, "Lightning Storm!" A pure white lightning bolt came down and zapped the nearest banshee. It screamed and vanished in a puff of smoke. "What, that's it?" Jupiter asked in disbelief as the rest of the banshees closed in on her. She lowered her hands. "Wasn't I supposed to have the most powerful attack? Will, tell Leinis he's a--" Another lightning bolt came down, electrocuting the second banshee. Then a third, and a fourth, until all the banshees were gone and lightning started striking at random. Will was jumping around as he tried to avoid the lightning. "Turn it off! Turn it off!" Sailor Jupiter blinked. "I don't know how! Oh, shoot." She dodged as a lightning bolt nearly hit her. "Um... lightning, stop!" And it did. William ran over to her. "What was I supposed to tell Leinis?" he asked. Sailor Jupiter ignored him. "That was so cool! I could never turn my power off before." "Um... yeah. You might want to try to make your target more specific to the lightning next time, okay?" he suggested. Jupiter nodded happily. She must be going through some power trip, Will thought. A gust of strong wind blew against William and Sailor Jupiter. "Enjoy that small victory, children," a melodious voice said, "It's the last you'll ever have." William rolled his eyes. "That was stupid. How many villains come out with that kind of opening line?" Sailor Jupiter snapped out of her euphoria and narrowed her eyes. "Who are you?" The voice laughed as a small tornado of wind appeared in front of them. The wind cleared, revealing a woman with wings folded around her. Her dress was yellow, and she had leather brown sandals on her feet. Long, black hair whipped about her face, which was pointed to the ground. "An angel," or a demon." She finished as she lifted her head to them. She had long, soulless black eyes, a sharp nose, and fanged mouth. In the middle of her forehead sparkled a pale yellow crystal. "Oh, yuck," Sailor Jupiter said this time. "We have to break that thing?" she asked as she pointed at the crystal. "Only if you can, dear," the demon laughed as the crystal glowed. She spread her wings as powerful gusts of wind carried her into the air. She pointed her hand at two of the saviors of Ineckey. Her claws grew and headed straight for Jupiter. Before she could say 'Jupiter Static Shock', a dome of black lightning surrounded her. The claws stopped short as lightning traveled to the demon. She screamed, and withdrew. William grinned. "Why, you- you'll pay for that!" the demon shrieked as she tried to smooth her poofy black hair. The crystal glowed again and William found himself pinned to the ground. The demon teleported next to him and picked him up, digging her nails into his throat. Sailor Jupiter gasped, and was about to zap the demon when she held William in front of her as a shield. "Oh, no," she laughed. "Hurt me, and hurt your little friend, too." She dug her nails deeper into Will. A small trickle of blood came out of his wound. Jupiter looked from the demon to Will and back with despair in her eyes. She swore. What could she do? Once again, she looked at William, whose key glowed black. He closed his eyes and nodded. Sailor Jupiter didn't waste any more time. "Well, if you want it that way..." she whispered. Her hands began to glow. "Jupiter," she said as she raised her hands to the sky. Please let this be easy on Will, she prayed. "Lightning." Electricity was building up as she concentrated. A power surge rushed through her, but she beat it down. Don't think about the power. Don't loose control. "Storm!" She pointed at William. He screamed as the lightning was channeled through his key. "Ha! I didn't feel a thing. You really must work on your aim, child--" the demon began. William's key glowed brighter and brighter until a beautiful, deadly web of white and black lightning surrounded him and his captor. The demon shrieked as the lightning gathered at her forehead, and the Wind Crystal shattered. She crumbled to dust, and Will fell, face first, into the ground. Sailor Jupiter ran up to him and felt for his pulse. Weak, but there. Sighing with relief and exhaustion, she collapsed to her knees. The air before her shimmered, and she looked up, afraid of another demon. Leinis appeared in gold sparkles, and picked up Will. He held out his hand to Jupiter, who took it gratefully. "What did you want to tell me?" he asked as they vanished in a wash of golden light. Chapter 5 or The Whirlpool Effect "We have to fight here?" Sailor Mars looked towards the crashing, blue-green waves of the sea. A small, blue and gold boat was beached on the shore, its sail swaying in the breeze. Nephadia shrugged and got on the boat. "We are going after the Water Crystal, after all," she explained kindly. Reaching down, she offered the Sailor Scout her hand. Mars scowled and boarded the boat by herself. The waves washed around the boat, and the two girls were carried out to sea. They sat in uncomfortable silence for a long time, until Nephadia said, "Why are you helping us? You were obviously against the idea from the beginning." With a snort, Sailor Mars replied, "Because that stupid, meatball-headed dork is our leader, and she told us to," more quietly, barely above a whisper, she added, "and this is probably a trap, so I won't let her be killed by you." The second part wasn't supposed to be heard, but Sailor Mars' companion obviously did. She smiled a little sadly. "You remind me of my sister; you share the same spirit. And we're not going to hurt Serena." "What sister? Are you some schizophrenic maniac? I don't trust you. The only reason I'm going is to make sure my friends don't get hurt." Nephadia cocked her head. "The battle's about to begin, so I might as well show you. Raye, meet my sister, Pepperalki." She closed her eyes, and her face contorted into an angry, vicious expression. When the eyes were opened, they were red, and a flicker of insanity went across them. "How dare you be so cruel to Nephadia!" Pepperalki screamed. "She's the nicest, most dedicated, non-violent person you'll ever meet! Do you have any idea how much your words hurt her?" Her hands acquired a deep red glow, and fire danced in their palms. Danger seemed to be radiating from her, and Mars sensed an enormous amount of power building up around Pepper. Sailor Mars sneered. Silently, she built up the energy necessary for an attack. "So, Nephadia, you are schizophrenic. And now you're telling me you're not violent? Don't make me laugh. I know what you did to me." She grimaced at the thought of the blisters, cuts, and burns she received. An insane laugh escaped Pepper's lips. "Oh, we're very different people. I'm surprised we're even related." She narrowed her eyes. "Make no mistake, if it was Nephadia going through what I was during that battle, you would have suffered ten times worse, and Leinis and Ariel would have been picking up the pieces. I don't let anybody hurt my sister." Mars opened her mouth to reply when she heard a small sucking sound. Startled, she looked frantically about as the sound grew louder and louder. Pepperalki's terrified scream alerted her to the danger: the water below. It formed a giant whirlpool and caused the boat to spin. "No!" Pepper shrieked, "I don't want to be cleansed! Make it go away! Nephadia!" They were pulled under. A scream. Sailor Mars opened her eyes and brushed damp, black hair from her face. With a groan she rolled over. Another scream, more frantic than the first. Shaking her head groggily, Mars sat up as her eyes adjusted to the light. She was in a cavern, and an underground river was flowing through it. An eerie blue light pulsed from under the water, illuminating the area. Yet another scream pierced the air, this one the most desperate. Sailor Mars searched for the source. A young woman with light brown hair and soggy clothes was curled in a fetal position on the ground. She was lying in a puddle, and crying. A red aura surrounded her, and it flickered wildly in and out of existence. Sailor Mars slowly stood and walked over to her. It wasn't until the Scout stood over the woman that she realized her companion was Pepperalki. It wasn't Nephadia... it wasn't even the Pepperalki she met on the boat. It was a frightened child in a teenager's body, not the caring, calm Nephadia or the insane, dangerous Pepper. "Alone... all alone," the girl sobbed, unaware of the other's presence. "Daddy, don't leave me! No!" She screamed again. "I'm not a demon! I don't wanna be cured! No!" Sailor Mars reached out to the girl she didn't trust in compassion. With a gentle touch to the girl's forehead, she felt her suppressed psychic powers come back to her, more powerful than before. She could see the girl's soul-no-two souls, one calm, steady, and the other flickering dangerously out of control. She could see the black void that surrounded them, and let herself be swallowed in. "Water! I don't want to leave! Nephadia!" one flickered. "No, not this time. You won't run away. I won't let you," the other replied. "But Daddy hates me. He's going to cleanse me... I'm going to have to leave!" "You're not a demon. No one hates you. You didn't do anything wrong." "But... but the water! It's going to... I don't want to die!" Raye could feel the fear in the flickering soul. She looked into her emotions and projected as much kindness and sympathy as she could to it. Quietly, she tried to speak. "I don't hate you." The two souls started, and in a flash Sailor Mars was tightly clutching a sobbing teenager who was screaming incoherently about demons, water, purification, her father, and a dark, scary room. Mars held her tightly until she calmed down enough to draw a few, shaky sobs and look up. The eyes were red and glazed over. Insanity filled those eyes, and it was as if Pepperalki was there, but not there. She stared into Sailor Mars' face for what seemed like forever, and asked quietly, "You don't hate me?" "I don't hate you." The older girl sniffled, and looked at the puddle, then at Mars, then back. She spoke in a cool, collected voice. "I'm a demon. I don't belong in this body; I must be removed. Purification by fire or by water." She laughed. "I'm a fire demon. It must be by water. I must be removed." She stood and walked to the edge of the underground river. Dangerous currents swirled underneath the raging surface-ones that could easily drown a person. "Nephadia will be purified." "Don't!" Pepper turned around and looked into Mars' violet eyes. The other girl's hand was extended to her. "Don't do it," Sailor Mars continued, "You're not a demon. You don't need to be purified." There was another laugh, this one on the edge of hysteria. "I am. I only came out at night. I control fire. I enjoy pain I inflict on others. I am a demon, and I must be banished. Nephadia's father, King of Vita-Alamin, commands it." Sailor Mars' look of sympathy turned to one of anger. She wasn't going to give up that easily. "Fine, jump," she snapped, putting as much of a sting into her words as possible. "You're obviously a demon if you don't care about your sister. You're just going to let her drown, aren't you?" Pepper's eyes widened in horror and some of the film over her eyes left. "No, I wouldn't... after I'm gone, she'll be here..." "What, in that?" Mars pointed at the river. "Neither of you can last three minutes in there, demon or no demon. And how would she feel if you died, huh? You're typical of demons, only thinking of yourselves. Not caring a bit about human existence." Pepper stared at Mars for a full minute until she burst back into tears, crumpling to her knees. "But... but my daddy doesn't love me! He put me in that dark, scary room. He doesn't love me!" Sailor Mars stepped forward, and knelt. "Maybe he doesn't," she said quietly, "Mine doesn't." Pepper looked up in disbelief. "But that doesn't mean no one does. I know a certain sister of yours who loves you very much. And you love her." Pepperalki blinked, and most of the glaze left. She reached forward and embraced the Scout. Sailor Mars felt the pull to the void again, but this time she was welcomed in. "Thank you. This is the one place Pepper can't hear us; I wanted to speak with you alone." Raye looked around. It was the same as the other place: black. She mentally shrugged. Maybe, if she were touching soul to soul instead of soul to mind, it would look different. "You're welcome. I trust Serena's decision making abilities... don't tell her that... and the words I said on the boat were in the heat of the moment." It was quite a shock to Raye to discover that lying was impossible here. "I understand. Let me just say this before you go back: we, but Pepper especially, had a very uneasy childhood. My father, who passed away not long ago, thought she was a demon and must be banished from my body by means of water. She has an incredible fear of it, and at times completely snaps when coming into contact with it. "What enables us to use our keys is our personalities. Pepper embodies the spirit of fire and is the better fighter of the two of us, and the most willing of all the TMF members to use her powers. I wouldn't and couldn't help much when fighting a monster, but my sister would be fearsome, indeed. "I thought someone like you would be able to help her to get over her fear, at least temporarily. I apologize for using you in this way." Raye was completely speechless for the first time in her life. She knew what it was like to have a father who didn't love her, but what Pepper went through was unbelievable. Perhaps they were the same spirit, like Nephadia said. "I accept your apology," she said, and retreated back into her body. Sailor Mars found herself looking back into those red eyes, but Pepperalki had control of herself now. The older girl smiled crookedly and awkwardly, saying, "Thanks. I would have killed myself if it wasn't for you." Mars nodded and helped Pepper to her feet. They explored the cavern for hours, but always came back to the underground river. Every time, the blue glow was brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding. "I am so sick of going around in circles!" Sailor Mars snapped irritably after what seemed like their millionth return to the river. "Why doesn't this monster show up?" "Really," Pepper commented with a frown. She closed her eyes and reopened them. "Warn me when you do that next time," Sailor Mars growled. "Sorry," Nephadia giggled. She turned her attention to the water. "I'm sure this blue glow has something to do with it." Holding up her key, she sent a jet of flame into the light. There was a loud rumble, and the waves began to crash violently against the floor. "This looks bad... Pepper's taking over." She closed her eyes. A pillar of water rose from the river and crashed into the cave ceiling a hundred feet above them. As it came back down, it revealed an enormous aquamarine serpent. Its green crest rose as its brilliant blue eyes sparkled with amusement. A large, blue gem twinkled in its forehead. Grinning a grin that showed a million glistening, pointed teeth, it watched the tiny humans before it. "So you're the girls who want to destroy my pretty crystal. Not very impressive," it commented. "I'll show you impressive!" Pepper yelled as she threw a large fireball at the serpent. It laughed as the fire bounced harmlessly off its scales and sizzled in the water. Using its tail, it splashed some of the water at Pepper, who yelped and jumped against the wall. "Silly, silly little girl. Afraid of a little thing like water?" the serpent taunted, splashing water closer and closer to the quivering Pepper. Without warning, Sailor Mars jumped in between the serpent and the object of his amusement. "Hold it!" she ordered. The serpent smirked. "Oh? Amuse me." Mars desperately wanted to wipe that smirk off the serpent's face, and could feel her anger boiling inside of her. Like she did so many other times before, she turned it to energy, directed at the enemy. "Mars," she chanted, feeling fire burning in her palms. She brought her hands forward, and cupped a small fireball in them. "Inferno." The fireball grew, in intensity and size. "Engulf!" It flew at the serpent, growing bigger all the while, and surrounded the water creature's head in the blazing orange, yellow, and red of flames. As the serpent howled in pain, Sailor Mars helped Pepperalki ease away from the wall. "Are you okay?" she asked. Pepper jerked her head up, looking over Mars' shoulder, and shouted, "Look out!" They jumped in separate directions as the serpent sent a torrent of water at them, leaving a dent in the wall. "You'll pay for that," it snarled at Mars. "You almost hurt me." The serpent hissed and darted in, snake like, trying to snap the Sailor Scout in half. Mars danced nimbly out of the way. Recovering, the serpent lashed out again, and Sailor Mars dodged, but just barely. Pepperalki was staring at the serpent in shock. "Nothing hurts him... unless..." She raised her voice, "Mars! Get him over here!" Sailor Mars raised an eyebrow but didn't question the order. The next strike the serpent made brought him closer to where Pepper stood. And the next, still closer. After a little while, it was almost on top of her. What Mars witnessed next was one of the most amazing, remarkable, ridiculous things in her life. She watched, wide-eyed, as Pepperalki pulled a white feather, which was almost as tall as her, out of her sleeve. Pepper proceeded to vault onto the monster's neck, and tickled him under the chin. "Coochie coochie coo." Pepper laughed an insane laugh usually reserved for people confined in mental hospitals. And the serpent laughed. "Now!" Suddenly realizing what her companion wanted, Sailor Mars summoned more energy. "Mars Inferno Engulf!" The searing flame went through the monster's mouth, and straight into his gullet. Pepper leaped off, and watched, fascinated, as the serpent writhed in pain. "That's one serious case of heartburn." Sailor Mars moaned and rolled her eyes. With a hiss, the serpent started to pick itself back up. Pepper sent fire bolts at it repeatedly, all of which bounced harmlessly off its scales. "I'm not finished with you, girl," it growled, and with a swipe of its tail held a helpless Sailor Mars in the middle of the river. Pepper shrieked and ran to the edge of the river. The sea- monster laughed. "Try anything, and I'll squeeze the life out of her." Pepperalki stopped, unable to step into the water. "So," it turned its attention to the Scout. "Have anything to say for yourself?" Sailor Mars wiggled in its grasp, struggling to get her hands free. Distract him. Do anything; Pepper will help. She looked directly into the monster's eyes and spat. If the serpent could raise an eyebrow it would. "Trying to add insult to injury, Sailor Mars? You are a feisty one." Sailor Mars grinned nastily. Both hands were free. She extended them, palms forward, as the serpent chuckled. "You know your inferno can't hurt me." "Mars." Predictably, the heat built up around the palms, and a small ball of fire hovered in front of them. "Fire Star." The ball expanded, becoming an eight-pointed star. "Flash!" Clapping her hands together, Sailor Mars destroyed the star. There was a flash of red and orange, and the monster looked around, confused. "Where are you?" It turned its head this way and that, until it saw what it thought was Sailor Mars. Hissing, it reared its head back and shot a stream of water at enormous force at the image. Pepperalki stood in wide-eyed terror as the water came at her. She raised her arm, and pointed a finger at the serpent's forehead as a hundred thousand thoughts whirled through her mind. The water came closer. Still enough time to dodge. A tiny spark of flame at the tip of her index finger. The water came closer, spelling banishment, purification, death. Her father was yelling at her, locking her in a room. She trembled, and the spark in her finger went out. She screamed as she saw Sailor Mars wrapped in the coils of a giant serpent, slowly being killed. No more time. The spark at the tip of Pepper's index finger came back, and with a shriek she shot a searing, white-hot flame at the water crystal. The crystal cracked, and the serpent howled in pain as the source of its life was destroyed. The torrent of water pushed Pepper through the wall as the serpent, with the last of its strength, flung Sailor Mars after her. Sailor Mars moaned, clutching her head, and wondered if this was like having a hangover. She was obviously out for a while; her Sailor Scout healing abilities left her with only superficial wounds. Pepperalki, however, was another matter. She was out like a light, and bleeding from a head injury and many severe cuts. Mars was afraid to move her because of the several broken bones she had. The raven-hared Scout favored the older girl with a small smile. Nephadia was right; they did act very much alike, even though it scared her. She frowned at the thought of being afraid of water. If Pepper's father was alive she'd... As if on cue, Pepper moaned. Mars turned her attention back to her companion and helped her sit up. "Did we win?" the brown-hared girl asked weakly. "Yeah, you really got that crystal," Sailor Mars replied with a grin. "Do you have any idea where we are? We washed up here, and I didn't check the area because I couldn't leave you alone." Turning her head, Pepperalki looked into the cave they came out of, and shuddered. She looked around for a few minutes longer, until a thoughtful frown appeared on her face-something that looked very out- of-place where Pepper was concerned. "What? Is there something wrong?" Mars asked worriedly. "You bet there is," Pepper answered. She raised her voice to a shout. "Can someone get us out of this ditch?" Sandre showed up a moment later with someone Sailor Mars didn't know: a girl with shoulder-length black hair and extremely pale skin. She wore a purple dress, a beautiful sky-blue pendant, and ruby slippers. They were carrying a stretcher. It wasn't until later that Raye finally managed to ask Nephadia what Pepperalki found so wrong. She laughed and said, "Leinis won a game of dice with Fate and Destiny... that's why you ended up in the moat of Castle Ardweden." Chapter 6 or A Matter of Life and Death "This place is so creepy," Sailor Moon said with a shiver. She and Cherden were standing in an enormous cave, with a stone floor and a ceiling so high it was like another sky. A large, stone castle stood in the distance, next to a black rushing river. Nothing except the two girls was in color, just black, white, and shades of gray. "It's supposed to be. This is the world of Death in Prosperity, and nothing short of creepy will do," Cherden replied. She nervously tugged at her braid. "But this isn't right; the dead of Ineckey should be around here somewhere." Sailor Moon shrieked. "Dead people lying around are a good thing?!" Cherden laughed. "No, no. This is the... um... afterlife. They're people just like us, except in black and white. It's run by Mary, Queen of Death," she explained. "See?" She pointed at the castle. "That's where she lives. If we follow the river Styx we should reach it." "Is she nice?" Moon asked. Cherden nodded. "Let's go ask her what's going on." They followed the river in silence, Cherden wondering what was going on and where all the cute guys went, and Sailor Moon worrying about Darien. Finally, Sailor Moon broke the silence. "What are dead people like?" "Well... no different than when they were alive, I think. They remember everything... but I was only down here a few times while I was alive, and I don't really remember when I was dead, except that one time when everyone died and there was a huge shortage of space. Mary didn't have enough time to throw us all into Styx River before we were brought back to life. Maybe you should ask Dannysmartful. He was dead for two years, and remembers all of it." Sailor Moon gave a start. "You were reincarnated, too?" "Um... we were all reincarnated once and died twice, except Dannysmartful; he died three times. Reincarnation's such a pain. Had to wait five hundred years and then that dork Leinis screwed up and put Nephadia and Pepper in the same body! They were supposed to be twins!" Making a face, Sailor Moon said, "Tell me about it. We were reincarnated a thousand years after we fought an all out battle against the Negaverse on the moon. Time travel's even worse, though. I had a daughter visit myself from a thousand years in the future. Now I know that I'm really destined to be with Darien." "Isn't that the guy you're trying to save?" Cherden inquired. "Yeah." Sailor Moon acquired a dreamy look. "My Tuxedo Mask. It's hard to believe anyone looks just like him." Cherden snorted. "Well, I think it's hard to believe anyone looks like Will." Before they could continue with this fascinating conversation, they reached the castle. It was at least twice the size of Castle Ardweden, and loomed over the two girls threateningly. Sailor Moon gave a squeak, she didn't think it would be so big up close. "I'll go see if anyone's home," Cherden said. She ran up to the front door. Sailor Moon chewed her lower lip nervously. This place was so scary! If only Darien were here... but he wasn't. That's what she was here for, to save Darien. He could be hurt, or worse, and she had to be strong for him. Her handsome Darien, with his bright blue eyes, and always saving her just in time... She was so lost in thought she didn't feel the ground open beneath her and fell with a startled cry. A green glow enveloped her and vines sprang from the sides of the pit, carrying her above ground safely. Cherden ran up to her with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" she asked. The same green that enveloped Sailor Moon was radiating from her key. "Y-y-yeah, I'm okay," Sailor Moon said shakily. They heard a high pitched laugh, and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms. Cherden frowned. "Pepper, what are you doing here?" "I don't think that's Pepper," Sailor Moon said nervously. "Very good, Sailor Brat. I didn't know you had it in you." There was another laugh as swirling petals appeared before the companions. A woman stepped out of the petals. She had pale, white skin and light, wavy gray hair. A dark gray general's uniform was on her, complete with black boots and light gray piping. A small crystal in her forehead swirled with a sickly gray color, and Sailor Moon could feel her life being slowly sucked away. The only part about the woman that wasn't gray was her brilliant emerald green eyes, blazing with hatred. "Now you will pay for what you did." "Zoisite. We wondered what happened to you, you witch." Sailor Moon glared at the guardian of the Crystal of Death with contempt. "I couldn't care less." Zoisite turned her attention to Cherden. "Who's your new playmate?" Cherden took a step back and looked from Sailor Moon to Zoisite with confusion on her face. "What's going on?" "It doesn't matter," Zoisite sneered. "All you need to know is that I'll do anything to avenge Malachite. Zoi!" A flurry of cherry blossoms were released from her hand and flung into the girls' faces. Sailor Moon shut her eyes and reflexively reached back for her Moon Scepter, and was surprised to find a silver rod instead. Runic symbols decorated the handle, and a diamond star was near the top. There was a soft silver glow, and the Silver Imperium Crystal appeared and floated in all its glory to settle at the tip. Zoisite laughed. "What are you going to do? Hit me with that baby rattle? Zoi!" Deadly ice crystals materialized and flew at the two. Cherden and Sailor Moon gasped and quickly leaped away. Zoisite flung volley after volley at the girls, until she tired of doing things the hard way and conjured a crystal behind Cherden. It impaled itself between her shoulder blades, and she screamed as she fell face first. Confident of the meddler's inaction, Zoisite advanced on Sailor Moon, who was staring in horror at Cherden's body and trying not to scream. "Ready to die, Sailor Brat?" Another wave of ice crystals appeared from all around. Sailor Moon clutched the silver rod in front of her and swallowed. The crystals were released, and flew at their target. Unbidden, words sprang into Sailor Moon's mind. "Moonlight," she chanted as the crystal pulsed with a silver white light. "Barrier!" The glow expanded, forming a silver and white sparkling dome around the Moon Princess. When the ice crystals touched it, they disintegrated. Zoisite swore and sent more and more crystals flying, all of which did no good. Sailor Moon couldn't keep it up, though. Eventually, a crystal got through and cut her leg. She fell to her knees, more from exhaustion than from injury as Zoisite laughed. A fireball appeared in the general's hands as she casually tossed it from one to the other. "One Sailor Scout, burnt to a crisp. Oh, how I wish I could be killing Cape Boy too, but this will have to do. This one's for Malachite!" Zoisite threw an enormous fireball with all her strength at Sailor Moon, who shut her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. The inevitable never happened. A green sphere surrounded the guardian of the Death Crystal, and the fireball sizzled against it. Zoisite turned and glared at the girl who dared do such a thing. Cherden was standing, power brilliantly blazing from her key. A gaping wound was in the middle of her back, but it was surrounded by a green aura, and slowly sealing itself. She glared back. "This isn't possible!" Zoisite cried, throwing ice crystals and fireballs at the glowing bubble. "I tested your abilities. Not enough power to destroy a mouse." Screaming in rage, she tried to teleport out, only to reappear where she vanished. "It's always easier to destroy than to heal," Cherden responded quietly. She felt the key's energy being depleted as time went on. Dizziness and nausea threatened to overcome her as she clenched her teeth in pain. Zoisite hurt her friend, was trying to destroy her world, and all she could do was contain the general for a little while. Of course, she couldn't let Zoisite know that. "No, no!" Zoisite was frustrated, throwing fireball after fireball at the sphere. "It's not supposed to be this way! It can't end this way!" She shook her head, on the verge of tears. "Malachite, how can I avenge you now?" "You don't need to avenge anyone," Sailor Moon objected. "Yes I do!" Zoisite screamed. "You killed him, Sailor Brat! For all your talk of love and justice, you couldn't spare the life of the one I love! All that time of pain and torment, never seeing him, never knowing, trapped in the darkness without hope, is all because of you! I have to avenge him!" Sailor Moon blinked back tears herself, seeing her enemy in so much pain. "But couldn't you-" Zoisite laughed bitterly, hot tears streaming down her cheeks, but she was beyond caring. "You don't understand, do you? That little brat who brought me back has the power to bring Malachite back the same way. Unless I kill you, it will never happen. I. Have. No. Choice." She struck her fist out at the sphere in frustration, and was surprised to feel it slightly give way. "But..." Sailor Moon shook her head. "But there has to be another way..." "There is another way," Cherden interrupted weakly. "She's being deceived. I'm pretty sure the enemy has nothing to gain by bringing this Malachite person back. If he has the power to bring Zoisite back from the dead, he can destroy her. You have to heal her." Sailor Moon nodded. Zoisite pushed at the boundaries of her prison, and felt it give way more and more... just a few more minutes... "Zoisite." She started at the suddenly kind and sympathetic voice, and turned distrustfully to its owner. "Zoisite," Sailor Moon repeated. "I can take you to Malachite. I know how. Do you trust me?" Zoisite searched the Scout's eyes for the fear, contempt, disgust, anger, or any of the other things she saw there earlier, but didn't find it. Instead, she saw kindness, empathy, sympathy, and more than a tinge of pity and sadness. The general shook her head in disgust with herself. It didn't matter. In a few minutes, Sailor Moon will be dead, in a few minutes her love would be alive... To live under the rule of one crueler than Beryl, to never be fully alive, if, of course, the little demon was telling the truth, and would keep the promise he made with Zoisite... Any one of her enemies was more trustworthy. A few minutes was too long a wait. She wanted to be with Malachite now. Lowering her arms, Zoisite bowed her head to the Moon Princess. Not hesitating a moment, Sailor Moon hastily stood, wincing at the pain. She held her silver rod in front of her, and felt energy gathering at the tip. "Moon." The crystal glowed a brilliant silver white light. "Crystal." The glow intensified, until it was almost blinding. "Purification!" She poured all she had into it and more as the bright beam of silver light penetrated Cherden's sphere and surrounded Zoisite. The general's look slowly turned to one of peace as the light gathered around the Death Crystal, shattering it. Zoisite's features changed, her hair grew darker and straighter, her uniform turned into a dress, a black scepter appeared in one hand, and many other things, until a bewildered looking Queen of Death stood in her place. Cherden stared in awe at what took place. "That was amazing, Sailor Moon!" There was no response. "Sailor Moon?" Turning, she saw an unconscious Sailor Scout lying on the ground. Cherden ran up to her and fumbled for her pulse. Finding it, the shallow heartbeat faltered. No. She won't let this girl die, not one who cares for her enemies as well as her friends. A very, very faint glow surrounded her key, and Cherden swore. Not enough energy to save her, unless... Placing her hands on Sailor Moon's forehead, Cherden concentrated until a healthy green glow covered them. "Serena," she whispered to her friend as she fed her life energy through the contact, "don't die now." Princess Serena of the Moon Kingdom stood in the gardens of the Moon Palace. The beauty of the scene struck her, and she went from flowerbed to flowerbed, fascinated with the silver, delicate alien flowers. She heard a laugh behind her and whirled around, her gown making a rustling sound. Before her was Zoisite, but not the Zoisite she knew before. A kind smile was on her face, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with something close to mischief. The general's uniform was white, and her strawberry blond hair fell loosely upon her shoulders. "This always was your favorite place." The princess nodded as snatches of memories came back to her. "It was, was it not?" "Yes." Zoisite stepped closer, and a breeze ruffled her hair. "Princess, thank you for saving me." "I- you're welcome." Serena fidgeted as she looked around again, soaking up all the images in her mind. "It's so peaceful here. I could stay forever." A faint whisper of protest passed over her. "Don't do that!" Zoisite ordered. "You're still needed. Do you hear that whisper?" "Yes." The whisper returned, trying to tug the princess away. She felt the urge to follow it, but looked longingly at the palace, and uncertainly at Zoisite. "Will you be okay?" With a laugh, Zoisite replied, "I'll be fine. You'd better get out of here, or I'll never have my date with Malachite." Princess Serena stole one last look at her surroundings, and finally at the beaming general, and nodded. She heard the whisper a third time, and followed it back to where she was needed. Cherden was growing very weak from the depletion of energy, and knew she couldn't maintain the link much longer. "Serena, you have to wake up," she commanded the body. The other girl could come back whenever she wanted to, but wasn't responding. Steeling herself, Cherden was about to force more life energy through when she heard a soft groan. Sailor Moon opened her eyes and stared up at Cherden's face with a smile. "Zoisite," she said, "is cured. She's finally happy." With a content sigh she fell back to sleep, but with a steady pulse. A shadow fell over Cherden, and she looked up nervously. Mary, Queen of Death, stood over her with her death scepter ready. Cherden gulped and readied herself against an attack, but was really too weak to defend herself from anything. "I won't hurt you," the queen said with a deathly calm voice, "That wasn't me the entire time. Another force took over my body; I think it was that crystal... no matter. I must repay you for saving me and my kingdom from such an awful future, and I think repayment should start with healing." With a wave of her scepter, Cherden and Sailor Moon vanished in a puff of yellow smoke. Chapter 7 or Twist in the Dark Sailor Venus stared at the cave opening. All around it were runic inscriptions, carved in a language that the Colors of the Wind stubbornly refused to translate. It was a beautiful day outside; the sun and moon were shining, but any light that came near the mouth of the cave seemed to be sucked into it. "Are you sure we have to go in there?" she asked. Dannysmartful nodded, rebuckling his late-bus-pass-sword around his waist. "Where else do you think the crystal would be?" "I don't know... it's just..." Sailor Venus continued to stare into the cave, and wondered what would happen if she fired a crescent beam into it. Laughing, the brown-hared boy said, "Don't worry about the dark. I'll create enough light for both of us." A small globe of light hovered above his right palm. "Who said I was worried?" Venus assumed a thoughtful expression. "How will we understand each other when we're in that cave, anyway? It's not like the wind's going to translate for us." "I'm surprised you didn't notice. We've been speaking Ineckian ever since this morning." With that, Dannysmartful turned and walked into the cave. "Hey! Wait for me!" Sailor Venus shouted as she ran after him. "How long have we been down here?" "I don't know... maybe two hours?" "Why does that light of yours keep flickering? I can barely see." "Why don't you try using your powers? No, don't remind me, you can only use them to fight." "As far as I can tell. Where are we going?" "Beats me." The two continued their journey through the labyrinth in silence for quite a while longer, until the little ball of light stopped. "Did you feel that?" Dannysmartful asked as a shiver went through his spine. "Yeah," Sailor Venus said as she noticed the same sensations. At the very edge of the light Dannysmartful cast, she spotted a puddle of black slime. She idly fired a crescent beam, and it shrank back into the darkness. The beam impacted a corner of the dead end they were walking into, and lit it up for a second. In that second, Venus' eyes widened as she saw a hulking black figure, absorbing the light. "Did you see that?" she whispered. Dannysmartful nodded, and drew his paper-thin sword. It exploded into pure, white light, and he leapt at the creature. Sailor Venus partially saw the short skirmish, illuminated only by the sword, but it ended with a cry as Dannysmartful flew backwards onto the floor. "Okay... let's see you take this," Venus dared as she summoned her new powers. "Venus Sun Sword," she chanted as a glowing, slightly curved yellow sword appeared in her outstretched hand. Leaping at where she thought the creature was, she brought it down in a golden arc. "Slash!" There wasn't a single sound when Sailor Venus felt a force push her back, right into Dannysmartful, who just stood up. "May I make a suggestion?" He asked politely as he set her on her feet. "Shoot." "Run!" The two ran as fast as they could through the winding, twisting passages of the dark labyrinth. Sailor Venus felt a tingling in the back of her mind, and it began to grow in size and pain. She tried her best to ignore it but it grew, faster and faster. It wasn't like a headache, more like she was on fire from the inside. Biting her lip, she shut her eyes and staggered on as the pain engulfed her. Just a little farther... get away... It stopped, as quickly as it came. Sailor Venus clutched her head and opened her eyes. It was completely dark. "Dannysmartful?" She didn't hear a sound. Sighing, she concentrated on making a light. The gem in her tiara began to glow in response. Grinning, Venus was about to walk back the way she came, when she heard the cry of a child. She ran, following the sound of the crying, until she spotted a small figure sobbing in a dead end. It lifted its head, and looked at her in fear, then surprise, then joy. "Sailor Venus?" Venus blinked, and stepped forward for a closer look. It was a little girl, only about half Sailor Venus' height. Her clothes were torn and muddy, and scratches were on her arms, legs, and face. Large, red eyes were puffy from crying, and occasionally broke contact with Venus' to dart in search of something. "My God... Rini, what happened?" "They kidnapped me," Rini replied in a small voice. "They wanted to make me bad again, to hurt Mommy. They tried to make me older, but the machine broke, and I wasn't gonna cooperate. So they threw me in here." She shakily got to her feet, and ran towards Sailor Venus, enclosing her in a fierce hug. "Don't let it hurt me! Please, please don't let it hurt me!" she screamed as she cried into Sailor Venus' uniform. "Shush." Venus knelt so she was face to face with Rini. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise. We have to get you out of here, but the only way I think we can do that is to find my friend. Have you seen him? He has brown hair, a sword, is a little taller than me..." Rini grinned happily. "Yeah! He went that way." She pointed in the direction Sailor Venus wasn't intending on going. "Well then, girlfriend," Venus said as she got to her feet, "Let's be off." Dannysmartful ran. He felt a light tingling in the back of his head, and tried to pass it off as nothing. It grew in size and pain, though, and soon he could no longer ignore it. Stopping altogether, he closed his eyes and concentrated his energies on the fire in his head, pushing it from his mind. After what might have been a minute or an hour, he couldn't tell, he managed to banish it in favor of a migraine. Great. I trade one headache for another, he thought. Taking extra time to wall off his thoughts in the event of another attack, Dannysmartful looked up. "Sailor Venus?" The glowing sphere intensified as he looked about, but there was no Sailor Scout. He sighed and continued walking. Sailor Venus and Rini walked in almost complete silence. Venus looked about frantically for Dannysmartful, while Rini looked about just as frantically for whatever 'it' was. Finally, Sailor Venus sighed. "Hey Rini, do you want to talk about anything?" "Like what?" "Well... who kidnapped you?" Rini snorted. "Who else? The Negaverse." "Isn't that a bit odd? I didn't know they were capable of time travel." "Yeah, well..." Rini fidgeted. A scraping sound cut her off. She looked up in terror. "There it is!" Sailor Venus' head snapped up. Before her was an enormous black creature roughly in the shape of a man. It looked slimy, and had three glowing eyes, all staring intently at her. Displaying its rotten yellow teeth, it smiled, and said in a rasping voice, "Now, Rini, you die." Venus stepped in front of Rini. "Venus Sun Sword!" she called, and the golden sword of light formed in her hand. "I don't think so." Dannysmartful had just about given up all hope of finding Sailor Venus, when he saw her. Her head was facing another direction, but he knew it was she. He ran towards her, and she looked up. The look she gave him stopped him cold. It wasn't one of recognition, but of fear and surprise. Still, he smiled warmly at her. "Sailor Venus, I've been looking all over for you. Let's stop that dark crystal guardian." "Venus Sun Sword!" Dannysmartful was taken aback as Sailor Venus pointed the glowing sword towards him. "I don't think so," she said, fierce determination in her voice. The monster looked surprised, and took a step back. Sailor Venus didn't waste any time and jumped at it, slashing her sword downwards. At the last second, it leaped aside. Turning, the Scout lashed out at it again, but her sword was blocked by a black one. The monster began to attack, and Venus found herself backing up, trying to defend. Dannysmartful took a step away from Sailor Venus. "Now look, I know we fought yesterday, but that's no reason to- ack!" He jumped away from the sword strike. Spinning, she followed it through with another strike, and Dannysmartful parried with his sword. A million thoughts raced through his mind. Was this the real Sailor Venus? What has gotten into her? He remembered the tingling in his head earlier. Could that be the cause of all this? There was only one way to find out, but it would take too much time. Unless... "Forgive me," he said to the Scout, and began to attack. Sailor Venus gasped for breath, and blocked another attack. It was obvious the monster knew what it was doing; it kept her so busy defending that she couldn't do anything else. She had to do something; she was so tired it wouldn't be long before the monster wounded her. And if that happened... she looked at Rini, who was screaming and crying for all she was worth. Words sprang unbidden into her mind. "Venus," she began. The monster stopped attacking, and looked as confused as a monster could. "Crescent." She traced a pair of crescent moons in the air with her fingers. "Shield." The crescents started to glow a golden yellow. "Surround!" They sprang to life, whirling around Sailor Venus as fast as the eye could see. Venus smiled grimly, and attacked the monster, which blocked with its sword. Dannysmartful dodged a sword swipe and blocked another. Things were going great until a little while ago: he was tiring Sailor Venus out with his superior skill with a sword. Sure, she was probably stronger and faster, but he trained under Leinis himself, and God- training is no laughing matter. That was, until she did that crescent shield thing. They whirled around her faster than his eye could trace. He spotted many openings in her defense with the sword, but couldn't tell exactly where the crescents were, and he didn't want his sword cut in half right now. Time to try something different. He threw his sword to the side. Sailor Venus stopped her attack as the sword fell with a clang. "Sailor Venus." "Who said that?" she asked warily, not taking her eyes off the monster. "I did. Dannysmartful." "You knew I could read minds and you didn't think I could do this?" the voice questioned, amused. "Listen, but don't talk. Whatever you thought you were fighting was me. Something invaded your mind. I tried to make you tired enough to give myself a chance to touch you and get rid of it, but that obviously didn't work. Anyway, you have to do it; it's in your head, so only you can see it, and I can't do it blind because by now it knows I'm here." Sailor Venus blinked. See it? She didn't see anything threatening except the monster, which already identified itself as Dannysmartful. The only other creature here was Rini, and she hasn't done anything. But some things didn't add up... Sailor Venus turned around, and walked towards Rini. "What are you doing?" Rini asked in a frightened voice, "The monster's that way, Sailor Venus!" "Rini," Venus said, smiling sweetly, "what's my real name?" "Huh?" "You haven't once called me by my real name. Did you forget?" "Um... I..." Rini looked about frantically for a way to escape. "How exactly did you get here, Rini?" Venus continued, cornering the small girl. "Who are the other Sailor Scouts? Who are your parents? What's your favorite color?" "I... I..." "Are you really Rini?" Rini burst into tears. Sailor Venus continued smiling sweetly at the girl, and waited for a response. "I... I..." the crescent moon on Rini's forehead began to glow, yellow at first, then darker and darker. "I'm NOT." The same monster Venus was fighting appeared where Rini once stood. It growled and grabbed her by the arm. Sailor Venus frowned. Nobody messes with her mind. Nobody. "Venus Crescent Shield Surround," she said calmly, almost without emotion. The crescents cut at the monster's arm, and it let go, howling in pain. Pressing her advantage, Sailor Venus cried, "Venus Sun Sword Slash!" And lashed at the monster with her sword multiple times. The monster was stunned, and fell to the ground without another sound. "Well," Sailor Venus said with a smile, "that was easy." She fainted. "Sailor Venus!" Dannysmartful knelt by her collapsed form, and noticed black ooze dribbling out of her ears. "Oh yuck." The ooze gave a hissing laugh, and started to form a shape. The first thing Dannysmartful saw was the black crystal it was making. "No you don't," he said conversationally as he fired an intense beam of light from his index finger at it. The crystal shattered and the monster turned to ash. "Looks like Venus did all the work already." Turning his attention back to his friend, he was shocked to find her energy being drained. "You must have overworked yourself," he commented to the unconscious girl. Without another word, he teleported them away in a flash of light. Chapter 8 or Out of the Frying Pan... "Reaching that opening appears to be a problem," Sailor Mercury noted as she and Ardweden looked up a volcano. The hard, jagged surface was very imposing, not to mention the ominous roaring and smoke coming from the top. Mercury's computer already had a fix on the fire crystal; it was inside the volcano. And the only way in was a small opening near the top. Ardweden nodded as she appraised the situation. The surface was too steep to be trusted, and any handhold they were likely to find would probably break. A difficult surface for climbing, indeed. "I think there's an answer," she said after a few more minutes. In her hands appeared a pair of ice crystals, very sharp at each end, and wide enough to be held comfortably. "Follow me." With that, the thief pushed one of the crystals into the side of the volcano, followed by the one in her left hand a bit higher. Standing on her toes, she conjured a couple more and placed them as high as she could. She climbed onto the first two, created more crystals, and stuck them in still higher. Mercury nodded and climbed after the thief, using the crystals already embedded in the rock. She wasn't going as fast as Ardweden, though, and the ice was melting from all the heat. "Ardweden, they're melting," she said as her grip began to slip. "Don't look down," Ardweden warned as she climbed backwards. When she was only a few crystals above Sailor Mercury the scout felt an aura of coldness above her, and the crystals slowed the melting process. "Thank you," she said gratefully. Ardweden just nodded and looked up. She swore. "Most of the crystals melted; I need to do this all over again." She set about to do just that. Sailor Mercury continued climbing after Ardweden, and though the thief slowed down for her, she still wasn't fast enough. Once again, she felt her grip slipping. This time she didn't warn her partner; instead, she thought about the coldness around Ardweden. Thinking of a way to duplicate the effect, she whispered, "Mercury Bubbles Blast." Ardweden blinked as she felt a gust of wind below her, and looked down. Instead of seeing Sailor Mercury, she saw a mist moving towards her. Trusting that it was Mercury's doing and not wanting to see just how high up she was, she resumed her climbing. Gasping for breath at the entrance, Ardweden said, "That wasn't so bad." "Well," replied Mercury, "Let's get going." She looked at her computer and gestured forward. The cave looked innocent enough; gray rock carved out to make a passageway to the center of the volcano. But along the way it slowly started to change. It got hotter and hotter, and the walls started to softly glow a red-orange color with flashes of yellow. Ardweden gritted her teeth and used a bit of her power to keep from passing out; she couldn't tell if Mercury was doing the same thing. That girl was absolutely engrossed in her computer. Sailor Mercury stopped. Normally, whenever she did that, she'd instruct Ardweden on which way to go... which turn to take in a fork, or whether to go down this passageway. But this time, the Scout stopped in the middle of a corridor without openings. Ardweden frowned and asked, "What is it?" "What's that?" Mercury asked as she pointed at a small stone formation in the glowing wall. Ardweden walked closer and examined it. "It looks like... an ear?" "Get down!" Sailor Mercury screamed as she tackled Ardweden to the floor. A small fireball whizzed above their heads. Badly shaken, the two got up, both sighing with relief, when Ardweden glanced behind her. "Uh oh..." Five more fireballs were coming at them. Ardweden rapidly created ice crystal after ice crystal and threw them at the fireballs. They each hit accurately, and evaporated harmlessly. Sailor Mercury was about to comment on Ardweden's skill when a hissing sound alerted her to the other end of the hallway. Eight fireballs were heading her way. She started to do a Mercury Ice Storm Blast when an impulse urged her to try something else: see what her new powers could do. Not one to follow impulses, especially in battle situations, she did it anyway. "Mercury," she said quietly as she closed her eyes. Her hands acquired a deep blue aura. "Ice." She traced a large circle in the air, leaving a trail of blue where her hands were. "Mirror." The blue filled in the area inside the circle, turning into ice. "Reflect!" The fireballs impacted the ice mirror. There was a flash of orange and blue, and the fireballs ricocheted in the other direction. Ardweden's eyes were filled with awe. She opened her mouth to say something when Sailor Mercury whacked her on the side of her head and placed one gloved finger to her lips. The brown-hared girl closed her mouth and nodded, showing she understood. Turning at the hissing sound at the other side of the corridor, she quickly dispatched eleven fireballs. The two girls continued down the corridor in silent, reassuring company. Each knew that a sound would send more fireballs at them. Sailor Mercury envied Ardweden's soft leather shoes; it seemed much easier to walk without a sound in them. She had difficulty silencing her own hard-soled boots, but it was much, much too hot to take them off. They stopped in front of an opening into a large room. The floor was a pool of lava, and brown outcroppings of rock poked out of it, each big enough for someone to (barely) stand on. A hot, red haze filled the room, making it difficult to see very far in. Mercury gained a determined look, and stepped onto the first rock. There was a ticking sound, and Mercury felt a hand yank her back into the corridor. Blinking in surprise, the Scout saw the rock erupt into a flaming geyser. It calmed down, and changed back into the rock it was before. Ardweden had a thoughtful look on her face as she pulled a dagger out of her sleeve and placed it on the rock. Sailor Mercury nodded in approval as they counted the ticks. Six. Sailor Mercury peered into the red mist, trying to figure out a path through the lava. Ardweden caught her companion's worried look, and countered with a confident grin and wink. Before Mercury could stop her, she was gone, jumping from rock to rock. Mercury waited pensively, staring into the room, and was about to follow when she heard the whoosh of the geysers. Astonished, she stepped back as Ardweden jumped high off the rock closest to the corridor, flipped in the air, and landed softly on her feet. A tick later the rock erupted. Ardweden still had that confident gleam in her eye, and she flipped a bit of hair over her shoulder. Sailor Mercury had to keep from laughing; it was so incredibly obvious that her companion was showing off. Still grinning, Ardweden motioned for Mercury to follow her. She did, always making it a point to keep two rocks between them, so after Ardweden jumped on one it had time to erupt and reform. The red haze enveloped her, making it incredibly hot, but there was no time to create a mist. She just concentrated on the task at hand, and after what seemed like forever they reached the other side. They continued down the corridor like they did before, side by side. This time, though, their journey was cut short by the appearance of a bright red door. After inspecting the walls for "ears", Mercury stated quietly, "The fire crystal's on the other side." The brown-hared girl nodded and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Pulling a lockpick out of her sleeve, she bent over the doorknob. After a few minutes, she coughed in embarrassment and whispered, "There's no lock." Impulses come at the strangest times. If you follow them, good or bad may happen, sometimes a mixture of both. Amy Anderson was not a person to follow impulse; it was much too unpredictable to be trusted. So it was to her immense surprise that she followed it twice in one day. Brushing Ardweden to the side, Sailor Mercury held her hand in the air, inches from the doorknob. "Mercury Acid Rain," she said in a low whisper, very quickly so a full attack wouldn't build up. A small gray cloud appeared under her outstretched hand, and tiny raindrops fell on the doorknob. They ate through the metal with wonderful efficiency. Pushing on the door, Mercury opened it without a creak. The two girls entered another large room, red haze obscuring their vision. They stopped dead in their tracks as they saw two large, yellow eyes coming toward them. "Welcome to my parlor," the owner of the eyes said in a deep voice. "If you want the fire crystal, you'll have to take it." A large fireball appeared out of the haze, and Ardweden and Sailor Mercury dodged to each side. Can't see through this haze, Mercury thought. She crossed her arms in front of her. "Mercury Bubbles Blast!" The blue and red mists canceled each other out, leaving clear vision in the room and a whole lot of steam. "Thanks, Mercury! It was so hard to-oop." Ardweden's words were cut short as she looked directly at the owner of the glowing yellow eyes. He was a giant, fiery red wolf, and he snarled ferociously, showing his pointed fangs. A large, deep red crystal was set in the middle of his forehead. "I don't like you," the wolf growled angrily as he circled the pair slowly. "Lowering the temperature is not going to get you on my good side." Red flames shot from his eyes at Ardweden. "Destroying the world is no way to get on mine!" Ardweden snapped as she recovered her composure. Leaping away from the fire, she threw an ice crystal at the wolf. A shield of fire winked into existence in front of the wolf and evaporated the ice. "Is that all? I'll have no trouble destroying you," the wolf laughed as it began to slink towards Ardweden. "Let me try," Sailor Mercury said. She raised her hands, palms first, to the wolf. "Mercury." She let the power build up inside her, taking plenty of time to say the words. "Acid Rain!" A large storm cloud materialized above the monster, and deadly raindrops fell. The wolf merely laughed and redirected his shield, so not a single drop touched him. In retaliation, another fireball hurtled towards Mercury, who exclaimed, "Mercury Ice Mirror Reflect!" The fireball flew at the wolf instead, and to Sailor Mercury's dismay it dissipated harmlessly against his fur. Ardweden threw a few regular daggers; since they weren't water- based, maybe they wouldn't evaporate. She was right. They melted against the shield instead. The wolf smiled evilly, and started to truly play with his prey. He fired flames at the girls, making them literally dance for him. "Did you notice," Sailor Mercury said as she jumped out of harm's way, "that when he covers one side, he leaves the other open?" "Yeah," Ardweden replied as the wolf howled. It won't be that long until he's finished toying with us, Ardweden thought as the wolf threw more fire at her, Think, Ardweden, think. And a light bulb went off in her head so brilliantly that it was almost visible to the naked eye. "Distract him!" she ordered as she ran to the other side of the room. Sailor Mercury was about to ask why when the wolf was on her. He was definitely getting tired of letting them live. Almost without thinking, she threw her attack at him. "Mercury Acid Rain!" Ardweden's eyes widened as she saw Mercury's attack. She was distracting him already? No time to catch my breath, she thought as she ran at the wolf, I have to do it now. The wolf predictably adjusted the fire shield to block the rain, and Ardweden was running at a vulnerable spot. But just before she reached him, he turned to face her. Piercing, yellow eyes met determined brown ones, obscured by a wall of fire. With a scream, Ardweden ran through the flames. Her key flared to life, surrounding her with a flickering icy blue aura, trying to keep her from melting as fiery pain lanced through her. In one hand, a large ice crystal appeared, and she plunged it into the fire crystal. Sailor Mercury found herself being blown back by the resulting explosion. Squinting her eyes, she found the two combatants surrounded by a fiery inferno. She fought against the heat and the pain, but the world slowly faded away... Mercury regained consciousness face first on the floor. Spitting out some dirt, she got up, wincing at severe burns she received. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as she saw the large pile of ashes before her. She stumbled towards it, dread rising as she came closer. When Sailor Mercury reached it, she fell to her knees from the pain. She sifted through the pile, looking for a sign, any sign, of life. Near the bottom, she spotted a small key, one that glowed with an eerie blue light. Grabbing it with trembling hands, she clutched it to her chest. She distantly felt Ariel's gentle touch on her shoulder as the tears began to fall.