How The Charecters from the Will stories eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Cherden: "Now that I have my Ant toothpaste and electric toothbrush, your life as fat and sugar is over, you delicious tasting piece of garbage, you!" Munch! Munch! Munch!

There's no wrong way
"ZEEEEN" (Toothbrush)
To eat a Reese's

Nephadia & Pepperalki:
Nephadia: "Oh my! It's the Sacred Chocolate & Peanut Butter! I dare not eat it!" Her face turns purple as the sun sets. Pepperalki: "A HA HA HA HA! Die, evil bloodsucking alien!" She pulls out a feather and tickles the peanut butter cup.

There's no wrong way
(Insane laughter)
To eat a Reese's

Ardweden: (Scientific state of mind). "Hmmm... It appears to be a high-sugar ancestor of the human race, called Ressesium Deliciousum, commonly known as a peanut butter cup. I had better take this to a lab for further anylization." She picks it out of the sand and shifts to her French chef state. (in french) "Oh, it is a peanut butter cup. I will prepare a masterpiece with this!" She carries it away. 1 hour later... the PB cup was placed on a silver platter with candy corn decorations and gold silverware. "It is done!" She changes to her normal state. "Oh, look! A peanut butter cup!" She stuffs it into her mouth. Munch! Munch! Munch!

There's no wrong way
To eat a Reese's

Will & the ants:
William: "Stop it, you stupid ants! You're annoying Me!"
The ants: "Please take this as an offering!" Will looks at the offering suspiciously.
William: "I don't want it!" He steps on the ants and PB cup.

There's no wrong way
(The PB cup gets squished and the ants scream)
To eat a Reese's

Dannysmartful: "Mmmm... a PB cup." Munch! Munch! He sees the second one. "AAAHH! It the PB cup, back from the dead, here to haunt me! It wants to get revenge!" He runs away screaming wildly.

There's no wrong way
To eat a Reese's

Michelina: "Are you a Keymaster?" No response. "Answer me or you're toast!" Still no response. "That does it. Take this!" She breathes fire on the PB cup. "Mmmm.. hey, you taste pretty good." The PB cup remains don't answer.

There's no wrong way
(Fire melts PB cup)
To eat a Reese's

Hermes: "I'm allergic to chocolate and I don't like peanut butter." He says THE WORD backwards, turning it into an eggplant.

There's no wrong way
"I like eggplants."
To eat a Reese's

Doris & the Queen of Death:
Doris: "Oh crystal ball, tell me where I misplaced my PB cup." The Queen of Death's face appears in the crystal ball.
Queen: "You fool, Doris, I have your PB cup!" She eats it slowly while Doris watches in horror.
Doris: "Give that back! It's MINE!" She picks up the crystal ball and shakes it.
Queen: (Sarcastically)"Oh no, Doris, don't hurt me." The crystal ball melts.

There's no wrong way
"Cheap plastic!"
To eat a Reese's

Hooper: "Meow?" He hops sideways towards the PB cup. "Meow." He bats at it with his paws. The PB cup sticks to his claws. "Meow!" He licks it off and hops away.

There's no wrong way
"Meow!" (A paw snatches the PB cup away)
To eat a Reese's

Testmaster demon: "What is the answer to Life, Universe, and Everything? You have five minutes to answer me!" Five minutes later, there is no response. "You are MINE!" He stuffs it into his mouth. He eyes the second one. "Next!"

There's no wrong way
"Answer me!"
To eat a Reese's

Big Bertha: "I like to eat them by the truckloads. Here's my shipment now." A truck pulls up. She opens her mouth and it empties its contents into it.

There's no wrong way
"Beep! Beep! Beep!" (truck)
To eat a Reese's

Bonnie & Clyed:
Bonnie: "Clyed, will you toast this PB cup for me?"
Clyed: "Anything for you, dear." He breathes a jet of flame which warms up the PB cup.
Bonnie: "Ooooh, you're soooo sweet. Here, you can have my other one."

There's no wrong way
(The PB cups kiss)
To eat a Reese's

Antony & Cleoantria:
(They're sitting on a PB cup)
Antony: "Here, you can have the last piece."
Cleoantria: "Oh, that's so nice of you." She begins to eat it.
Antony: "If you ate half as much as I and were half as skinny, I'd be jealous of myself."
Cleoantria: "WHAT?! Is that you're twisted version of a compliment?! Guards, throw him out!"

There's no wrong way
"And stay out!"
To eat a Reese's

Delphia: (Sitting on the bench in the middle of Meduville) "I like to eat them slowly while holding them up to the sun." The sun begins to set. "Oh, you delicious piece of chocolate and peanut butter, you are going to be eaten very slowly, and I'll savor every minute of it." The sun almost set. Delphia notices because she's enveloped in a blinding flash of light. She runs into a temple. "Must... save... PB cup!" She touches a pool of water and dissapears while the island sinks into the sea.

There's no wrong way
(The PB cups shimmer and dissapear)
To eat a Reese's