Planeteers 2076 - Character Creation and Mechanics World Information can be found here: This game will be run in the Tri-Stat system, which can be found here: (3.4 meg) A blank character sheet can be found here: (insert link) Tri-Stat d6 50 CP 20 SP Use variable stat costs. If your character is average in body, mind, or soul, please make it a 4. The GM knows what it takes to roll a 4. Really, she does. That said, characters aren't expected to be average at everything (or even necessarily anything). They were chosen (and have 50 CP!) for a reason. When making your sheet, be sure to note (at the top!) your character's nationality, preferred element, and secondary element. The GM will be picking elements and making the rings. Don't save CP for them. When noting bonuses, please record them as negatives (as in the BESM book) and penalties as positives. 1-3 CP will be given out for backgrounds (after characters are chosen). An additional CP can be garnered from character art. -Attributes- Please stick primarily to normal attributes. While strange, mystical forces are at work in the universe, the GM does not want the entire party to be psychics, mages, mutants, trained assassins, and cybernetic were-beasties. This doesn't mean special attributes aren't allowed, but if you want to use them, you're going to need to talk to the GM. Half levels of Tough or Energy Bonus are available at 1 CP per 10 HP/EP. Divine Relationship applies to your character's rolls only. The most recent roll will be the one used. Critical Failures may be re-rolled. The attribute Features (Appearance) is available at 1 CP/level and works on this scale: Level 0 = Level 0-2 (BESM). It's the girl next door! This character's plain to reasonably good-looking. You know how many kinda pretty people there are out there? A lot. You don't see *them* starving for dates, do you? If they are, it's likely for other reasons (personality, luck, and yadda). If you dress this person up, yeah, they'll look good. Better. Whatever. Makes sense. Level 1 = Level 3 (BESM). Okay, yeah, you spent CP on it. You're attractive. No arguing. You can probably work to make yourself unattractive, but in general, nothing you can do will hide it, so give up now. Level 2 = Level 4 (BESM). Definitely the hottest/cutest person in your school. If you're not considering modeling, you either are or will be, or have something against it in the first place. Level 3 = Level 5 (BESM). THEY WANT YOUR BODY! Erm, anyway. You're up there. Way up there. You've got the body other people would kill for (as if 1-2 weren't bad enough). People fall over each other for you. Or they would, if they weren't so intimidated by the fact that you're hawt and they're not. Unique Attributes are allowed and will be added as they come up. Talk to the GM if you have something in mind. -Defects- Less Capable is allowed, though at +2 (major) and +4 (minor). Make sure you read it carefully, and be prepared for the GM to make you deal with it, even though others may not even have to make a roll for the same thing. Significant Other cannot be taken beyond level one, unless it's with another PC. No kid sisters tagging along with every ride. Pets don't count as S.O. Ism is allowed, but talk to the GM about it. There will probably be racial effects in this game, but it will hopefully balance out so everyone will have the chance for some dirt to be thrown in their face. Easily Distracted may warrant stat rolls in order to tear yourself away. You have been warned. Reoccurring Nightmares can affect the rate at which a character heals, since resting is more difficult for them. Technologically Inept is a unique defect for this game. 1 BP/level, maximum level 3. For every level, an additional +2 is placed on any technology-based roll. In addition, the higher the level, the looser the GM will be with the term "technology-based". Clumsy is a unique defect for this game. 1 BP/level, maximum level 3. At level one, the character may be asked to make a body roll at +2 to avoid tripping, knocking something over, and such. At level two, they won't be able to roll, and it will be more frequent. At level three, it can happen in dangerous situations (which they can roll to avoid). Butterfingers is a unique defect for this game. 1 BP/level, maximum level 3. At level one, the character may be asked to make a body roll at +2 to avoid dropping something, be able to catch something, and such. At level two, they won't be able to roll, and it will be more frequent. At level three, it can happen in dangerous situations (which they can roll to avoid). Other Unique Defects may be allowed and added as they come up. If you have something in mind, bring it up with the GM. -Skills- Use the multi-genre skillset. The GM knows Captain Planet (and hence Planeteers) isn't technically multi-genre, but that set fits this campaign better than any other. Skills have a soft cap at three. Using academics as an example, levels are: 1 for high-school level, 2 for undergrad, and 3 for graduate/professional. Ring Usage is 7 SP/level. It covers everything that has to do with your ring, from attacking to defending to random effect rolls. Stat rolls concerning rings will primarily be Soul, while Attack/Defense uses CV. No, you won't have to roll for everything. -Backgrounds- Characters must be ages 13-18 and know English. The GM is looking for a nice mix of background, nationality, and gender. As such, multiple submissions of the same character (where minor tweaks are made) are allowed, as are different characters. Please make sure the character wouldn't be against recycling or whatever. Previously proactive characters are typically a bonus. You're here to save the planet, not ruin it. Only five characters will be accepted. -Other Mechanics Stuff- Modifiers will be all over the place in this campaign, be they bonuses to common and easier rolls or penalties for untrained and harder rolls. The GM reserves the right to use hidden modifiers, thus increasing her evilness level and maintaining some mystery. Opposed rolls do exist and will be used. Take Seven, much like Take Ten in d20, does exist. In an unpressured, unhurried environment, a character can opt to take a seven for his or her roll instead of using dice. Boosting is allowed. For every 10 EP, a character can increase his or her stat by an additional one for a roll. Rolling a 2 will always succeed, and rolling a 12 will always fail. However, the degree of success and failure is still determined by how much the character makes or fails by. The penalty for making a called shot is +4 and +2 for lethal and non-lethal, respectively. Perception Checks will be rolled against body, mind, or an average, depending on how the GM is feeling at that particular moment. The players will be made knowledgeable as to which stat (or combination of stats) are being used beforehand. Please note the Block Defense rules on page 67 and become familiar with them. They can be handy for non-combat oriented teenage kids.